Diazo 只适用于 plone4?
我对 plone 3.x 站点使用 xdv,对 plone 4 站点使用 Diazo。 出于多种原因,Diazo 是最好的,但我不明白是否可以将它与 plone3.x 站点一起使用。也许我只需要在 WSGI 模式下使用 Diazo...对吗?
谢谢 维托
I used xdv for plone 3.x sites, Diazo for plone 4 sites.
Diazo is the best for many reasons but I don't understand if it's possible to use it with a plone3.x site. Maybe I need to use Diazo only in WSGI mode... right?
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您没有理由不能在 Plone 3 中使用 Diazo,但 plone.app.theming 集成依赖于一些 Plone 4 特定的代码。
使用 Collective.xdv 作为参考点,使其在 Plone 3 中工作并不太难,但需要有人进行反向移植工作。
WSGI 方法可行,但让 Plone 3 在 WSGI 堆栈中运行相当棘手,而且您可能希望避免单独的代理进程。
另一种选择是使用 Diazo 独立代理(请参阅 diazo.org)进行开发,然后使用 diazocompiler 生成 XSL 并将其部署到 nginx/Apache 中进行生产。有点复杂,但应该可以工作,除非您依赖规则文件中特定于 Plone 的表达式/变量。
There is no reason you can't use Diazo in Plone 3, but the plone.app.theming integration relies on some Plone 4-specific code.
It wouldn't be too hard to make it work in Plone 3, using collective.xdv as a reference point, but someone would need to make the backporting effort.
The WSGI approach would work, but getting Plone 3 to run in a WSGI stack is fairly tricky, and you probably want to avoid a separate proxy process.
Another option would be to use the Diazo standalone proxy (see diazo.org) for development, and then use diazocompiler to generate an XSL and deploy that into nginx/Apache for production. A bit more fiddly, but should work unless you rely on Plone-specific expressions/variables in your rules file.