我可以使用不同数据库中的用户名/密码表来填充 LDAP 帐户吗?
我们用户的网络密码/用户名/名字/姓氏/等位于我们 CRM 的 dbo.contacts 表中。这对于 CRM 和我们的 CRM 兼容应用程序来说非常有用,但我希望使用只能查询 LDAP 的软件来查询这些帐户。
是否可以告诉 openldap,“嘿,使用此表创建登录*”并定期更新此信息,因为显然信息会随着时间的推移而变化?我的 scripting-fu 不是很强,但我使用过 php 和 web 服务,并且只想让 ldap 与此表对话,这样我就可以认真对待单点登录。
*这可以是通过 odbc/ado、csv 文件或通过 Web 服务连接到 CRM 数据库的实时连接。
Our users' web passwords/usernames/firstname/lastname/etc are in the dbo.contacts table in our CRM. This is great for CRM and our CRM compatible apps, but I would love to query these accounts with software that can only query LDAP.
Is it possible to tell openldap, "Hey, create logins using this table*" and to update this information periodically as obviously information changes over time? My scripting-fu isn't very strong but I've worked with php and webservices and would just like to get ldap talking to this table so I can get serious with single-sign-on.
*This can be a live connection to the CRM db via odbc/ado, a csv file, or connection via webservices.
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这与 OpenLDAP 无关。 LDAP 客户端可以使用添加请求来添加条目,假设客户端的授权状态允许在客户端选择的基础对象下添加用户。有一个名为 ldapmodify 的独立修改客户端。请“LDAP:掌握 ldapmodify” 了解更多信息。
请注意,某些版本的 openldap ldapmodify 工具已损坏,因为它错误地允许带有尾随空格的值(这是非法的)。目录服务器以 64 为基础对这些值进行编码,这可能不是预期的结果。
This has nothing to do with OpenLDAP. LDAP clients can use the add request to add entries, assuming the client's authorization state allows adding users under the base object chosen by client. There is a standalone modify client called
. Please "LDAP: Mastering ldapmodify" for more information.Be aware that the some versions of the openldap ldapmodify tool are broken in that it incorrectly allows values with trailing spaces (which is illegal). The directory server base 64 encodes these values, which is probably not what was intended.