我正在从事一个需要以 CCR 格式导出 EHR 信息的项目。我必须使用Java。我面临的问题是我找不到一种简单的方法来做到这一点。
完成我正在做的事情的更好方法是使用类似 CDAPI 但它过于昂贵(30k/年)且复杂。然而它展示了我想要的一个例子。就像:
CCR ccr = new CCR();
out.print(ccr.toString()); // Returns XML
有 CCR4J,但它只能读取 XML 文件并生成 Java 对象。反之则不然。
Google Health(现已停产)可能有我想要的东西我正在寻找,但我什至不知道如何使用它。
CCR Binder 提供了一些方便的方法,可以通过基于 Google Health API 构建的代码创建 CCR XML,但是我也不知道如何使用它。
我也可以阅读 ASTM CCR 规范 并自行实现一些内容,此时开始看起来是更快的选择。
现在我真的想远离谷歌健康。与导出 CDA 一样,这对我的任务来说似乎有点过分了。如有任何意见和建议,我们将不胜感激。
只是为了搜索相同信息的人们的利益。这是CCR 规范。
I'm working in a project which needs to export EHR information in CCR format. I must use Java. The problem that I'm facing is that I can't find an easy way to do it.
The better way to do what I'm doing would be to export as CDA using something like CDAPI but it's overly expensive (30k/year) and complicated. However it shows an example of what I'd like. Something like:
CCR ccr = new CCR();
out.print(ccr.toString()); // Returns XML
But it's as if this doesn't exist.
There's CCR4J but it can only read XML files and make Java objects. Not the other way around.
There's Google Health (now discontinued) which might have what I'm looking for, but I can't even figure out how to use it.
There's CCR Binder which has some convenience methods for creating CCR XML from code built on top of Google Health API, but I can't figure out how to use that either.
I could also just read the ASTM CCR Spec and implement something on my own which at this point begins to look like the faster option.
Now I would really like to stay away from Google Health. Seems to be an overkill for my task as is exporting do CDA. Any comments and suggestions are appreciated.
Just for the benefit of people searching for the same info. Here's the CCR Spec.
很抱歉这个(非常)迟到的答案,但我偶然发现了这篇文章,因为如果你搜索 java 和 CCR,它在 Google 中的排名仍然很高。为了防止其他人很快放弃,我必须纠正您:
使用 CCR4J,您可以从 Java 对象创建 CCR(自 2008 年起),它就像一个魅力!不仅仅是从给定文件中解析它。
因此,这里有一个小示例(没有有效的 CCR!),供下一个尝试使用此库创建 CCR 的人偶然发现这篇文章:
Sorry for this (very) late answer, but i stumbled uppon this post, cause it's still ranked high in Google if you search for java and CCR. To prevent others from giving up to quick I have to correct you:
With CCR4J you CAN create CCRs from Java Objects (since 2008) and it works like a charm! Not just parsing it from a given file.
Perhaps you just didn't got how to use the library back in time?
So here's a little Example (no valid CCR!) for the next one, who stumble over this post trying to create a CCR with this library:
视频:快速而肮脏的 CCR
总结一下:使用 JAXB 使类能够使用 JAXB 编组器编组它们。
I ended up doing something like this:
Video: Quick and Dirty CCR
To summarize: Use JAXB to make the classes them marshall them using JAXB marshaller.