钛 apk 在三星 Galaxy Tab 2.2 中导致错误
当我在 Android 模拟器中运行钛应用程序时,它运行良好,但是当我在三星 Galaxy 选项卡中运行相同的 apk 时,它会被强制关闭。我已经从 source\bin 文件夹中获取了 apk。请分享在设备中安装和运行钛合金APK的步骤。请建议。谢谢。
When I run my titanium application in android emulator it runs fine, but when I run the same apk in my samsung galaxy tab, then it got force closed. I have taken the apk from the source\bin folder. Please share the steps of installing and running titanium apk into the device. Please suggest. Thanks.
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我仍然更喜欢使用钛开发工具而不是工作室,它对我来说仍然工作得很好。因此,如果您的选项卡处于开发模式,我认为您只需从“在设备上运行”部分单击“立即安装”按钮即可。在 Android 中,它会直接将您的应用程序安装到您的选项卡中。
这就是你必须做的。无需手动从构建和安装中获取 APk。
I still prefer to use titanium developer tool instead of studio and it's still working fine for me. So if you tab is in development mode than i think you just have to click one button "Install Now" from Run on Device part. In android it will directly install your app to your tab.
That's it you have to do. No need to take APk from build and install manually.