将 Kinect RGB 或深度摄像头传输到互联网
我想将 kinect RGB 或深度相机发出的数据流传输到我的网站。我想知道这是否可能?有人可以建议我如何开始解决这个问题或者是否存在任何这样的例子?我们正在使用 Visual Studio 和 kinect sdk 在 Windows 上进行开发(希望通过 IIS 7 部署实时流)。
Im wanting to stream the feed that comes out of the kinect RGB or depth camera to my website. Im wondering whether this is possible? And also can someone advise me on how to start going about this or if any examples of this exist? We are developing on windows with visual studio and the kinect sdk (hopefully deploying the live stream via IIS 7).
Hoping to stay away from commerical packages as the end product will be opensource.
Thanks in advance
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Kinect 与 HTML5 的交互在今年的 REMIX Australia 上进行了演示。它的设置方式是通过 Windows 服务公开 WCF 端点,然后允许 Javascript 与 Kinect 进行对话。这在 Kinect <-> 中运行良好。服务器<->客户端场景 - 因此您可以采用这种方法并将某种 TCP 流使用到富媒体应用程序(例如 Flash 或 Silverlight)中。如果您想使用实时流,我会考虑获取传入的 RGB/深度视频帧并使用 API 将它们写回 IIS7。它可以容纳在应用程序或服务中 - 无论哪种方式,您都需要通过自定义应用程序代理 Kinect,因为 Windows 不会将其视为视频设备。
如果您想使用用户 Kinect(即他们计算机上的 Kinect,并且未通过网络服务器连接或代理),您可以使用 Silverlight。当使用提升的权限(在浏览器之外)运行时,Silverlight 允许您调用 COM 对象 - 这意味着您将能够访问本地 Kinect 传感器。然后,您可以直接使用 Silverlight 渲染 UI,或者创建一个 Javascript 互操作,允许 Silverlight 访问 Kinect 并将数据传递到客户端的 Javascript。唯一的缺点是用户需要在其计算机上安装 Kinect for Windows SDK(直到可再发行版本可用)。
Kinect to HTML5 interaction was demo'ed at REMIX Australia this year. The way it had been set-up was by a Windows Service, exposing a WCF end-point that then allows the Javascript to talk back to the Kinect. This worked well in a Kinect <-> Server <-> Client scenario - so you may be able to take this approach and use some kind of TCP stream into a rich media application such as Flash or Silverlight. If you want to use live stream, I would look into taking the incoming RGB/depth video frames and writing them back to the IIS7 using API's. This could be housed in an application or service - either way you'll need to proxy the Kinect through a custom application as Windows doesn't see it as a video device.
If you want to use the users Kinect (i.e. the one on their computer, and not attachted or proxied through your webserver) you could use Silverlight. Silverlight when run with elevated permissions (out of the browser) allows you to pinvoke a COM object - which means you'll be able to access the local Kinect sensors. You can then either render the UI using Silverlight directly, or create a Javascript inter-op that allows Silverlight to access the Kinect and pass the data into Javascript on the client side. The only down side of this is the user will need the Kinect for Windows SDK installed on their machine (until a redistributable version is available).
From: https://groups.google.com/group/openkinect/browse_thread/thread/e8adfb5695bd1e56#