我想在应用程序中跟踪四指触摸,但由于 iPad 使用四指滑动来切换应用程序,因此它们被取消了。 有没有办法取消/覆盖这个手势?
I want to track four finger touches in my application, but they are cancelled as the iPad uses the four finger swipe to switch applications.
Is there a way to cancel / override this gesture?
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我在我开发的一款游戏中对此进行了研究,但找不到覆盖它的方法。即使您找到了一种方法,也可能会被应用商店拒绝,因为似乎没有任何公共 API。
I looked into this for a game I worked on and I could not find a way to override it. Even if you found a way, it would probably get you rejected from the app store, since there doesn't seem to be any public API for it.
This be my answer. I'm not sure how you'd go about to actually execute the below as I guess implementions do things differently, but generally it sounds as there is a possibility, because after all these are the words of Apple regarding the multitasking gestures:
我真的不认为你可以,因为我看过无数关于如何在 iPhone/iPod 上覆盖的视频,但肯定没有适用于 iPad 的视频,所以你不能在游戏中作弊!
I really don't think you can because I have watched countless videos on how to override on iPhone/iPod but there are no ones for iPad must be so you can't cheat on games!