Without knowing more about what exactly you're asking the answer is that practically speaking it doesn't matter. The differences between ad-hoc and infrastructure networks really only come into play when you're dealing with more than two nodes. I haven't tested it but I don't even know that iPhone or Android hotspots allow you to communicate with other clients connected to the hotspot. It's primary purpose is to serve internet and as a gesture to security in public places they might have simply just disabled client to client connections. Essentially, each connection becomes it's own two node network.
Android 的库存热点功能使用基础设施模式,而不是临时模式。
Android's stock hotspot feature uses infrastructure mode, not ad-hoc.
在不知道更多关于你到底要问什么的情况下,答案是,实际上,这并不重要。仅当您处理两个以上节点时,自组织网络和基础设施网络之间的差异才真正发挥作用。我没有测试过,但我什至不知道 iPhone 或 Android 热点是否允许您与连接到该热点的其他客户端进行通信。它的主要目的是为互联网提供服务,并作为公共场所安全的一种姿态,他们可能只是禁用了客户端到客户端的连接。本质上,每个连接都成为它自己的两个节点网络。
Without knowing more about what exactly you're asking the answer is that practically speaking it doesn't matter. The differences between ad-hoc and infrastructure networks really only come into play when you're dealing with more than two nodes. I haven't tested it but I don't even know that iPhone or Android hotspots allow you to communicate with other clients connected to the hotspot. It's primary purpose is to serve internet and as a gesture to security in public places they might have simply just disabled client to client connections. Essentially, each connection becomes it's own two node network.