如何存档并将应用程序提交到应用程序商店 Xcode 4.2
有人可以帮助我一步步如何存档并将应用程序提交到应用程序商店。在 Xcode 4.2 中 我一直在 YouTube 和网上搜索,它们都不完整 请详细帮助我
Can someone help me step by step how to archive and submit the app to the app store. in Xcode 4.2
I have been searching on YouTube and over the net they all are incomplete
Please help me in detail
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不幸的是,有很多事情可能会出错。但是您对您尝试过的内容或无效的内容提供了零信息。苹果的文档相当详尽。我建议您阅读该内容,而不是随意搜索 YouTube 剪辑。 Apple 还允许您下载许多 WWDC 演讲的视频,包括有关使用 Xcode 的视频。
There are lots of things that can go wrong, unfortunately. But you give zero information on what you've tried or what's didn't work. Apple's documentation is pretty thorough. I'd recommend reading that rather than searching for random YouTube clips. Apple also allow you to download videos from many WWDC talks, including ones about using Xcode.
我不认为您需要存档您的应用程序才能提交到应用程序商店。我在 3.x 版本中使用的方法是在 Finder 中显示您的产品 myApp.app,然后对其进行压缩。它应该压缩文件,您可以通过应用程序加载器提交它。希望这有帮助。
I don't believe you are required to archive your app to submit to the App Store. The method I've used going back to 3.x is to show your product myApp.app in Finder, then compress it. It should zip the file up, and you can submit it through the Application Loader. Hope this helps.
苹果添加了视频教程,准确解释了如何执行此操作。使用您的 iOS 开发者计划凭据登录 iTunes connect。登录后,转到“管理您的应用程序”。在页面底部,有一个视频教程部分,其中有两个教程 - “添加应用程序”和“交付您的二进制文件”。
Apple added video tutorials that explain exactly how to do this. Log in to iTunes connect using your iOS developer program credentials. Once you're logged in, go to "Manage You Apps". At the bottom of the page, there is a video tutorials section that has two tutorials - "Adding An App" and "Delivering Your Binary".
I believe these are what you're looking for.