Well, like so often you heard hogwash. It has the big advantage of not only supporting more than 2gb per process, but also more than 2b TOGETHER - which is the harder limit. In fact, running a 2gb process on a 32 bit machine leaves little wiggle room for file caches, while running a 2g process on a 64 bit machine leaves tons of.
Unless the system is very little stressed, the memory barrier makes 32 bit OS level wise just a bad install. Heck, I write that on a virtual machine running visual studio - with 8gb memory because it really helps debugging large stuff.
I think that software I'll run on it is 32 bit, so it'll run in emulation
Ah - now you spread bad things, too. No emulation, 32 bit execution is on all decent processors 8not ccounting in Itanium) as fast as 64 bit.
But what if I had the 64 bit version of the software?
Depends. For most software it makes no sense. Depends whether teh softawre can / makes use of more than 2gb memory. But even if not - the OS may.
好吧,就像你经常听到的废话一样。它的一大优势是不仅支持每个进程超过 2GB,而且还支持超过 2b 的总量——这是更严格的限制。事实上,在 32 位计算机上运行 2gb 进程为文件缓存留下的回旋空间很小,而在 64 位计算机上运行 2g 进程则留下大量回旋空间。
除非系统压力很小,否则内存屏障会使 32 位操作系统级别的安装变得很糟糕。哎呀,我在运行 Visual Studio 的虚拟机上编写了这个代码 - 具有 8GB 内存,因为它确实有助于调试大型内容。
啊 - 现在你也传播不好的东西了。没有仿真,32 位执行在所有像样的处理器上(8(不包括安腾))与 64 位一样快。
视情况而定。对于大多数软件来说,这是没有意义的。取决于软件是否可以/使用超过 2GB 的内存。但即使不是 - 操作系统也可能会。
Well, like so often you heard hogwash. It has the big advantage of not only supporting more than 2gb per process, but also more than 2b TOGETHER - which is the harder limit. In fact, running a 2gb process on a 32 bit machine leaves little wiggle room for file caches, while running a 2g process on a 64 bit machine leaves tons of.
Unless the system is very little stressed, the memory barrier makes 32 bit OS level wise just a bad install. Heck, I write that on a virtual machine running visual studio - with 8gb memory because it really helps debugging large stuff.
Ah - now you spread bad things, too. No emulation, 32 bit execution is on all decent processors 8not ccounting in Itanium) as fast as 64 bit.
Depends. For most software it makes no sense. Depends whether teh softawre can / makes use of more than 2gb memory. But even if not - the OS may.