Chrome 堆快照每次刷新都会增长..正常吗?
我正在尝试使用 Chrome 开发人员工具及其“配置文件”选项卡进行一些性能/效率测试...
这个问题是 2 倍..
任何人都可以向我指出一个资源来解释 chrome 的堆快照和 cpu 分析的输出吗?
I'm trying to do some performance/efficiency testing with Chrome Developer tools and their "Profile" tab...
I'm getting the following results When I load up the page, do a Heap Snapshot, refresh the page, Heap Snapshot, etc... repeatedly..
This question is 2 fold..
Is this normal? do I have a memory issue?
Can anyone point me to a resource to interpret the output of chrome's heap snapshot and cpu profiling?
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发生此问题的原因是您的 Chrome 扩展在刷新时出于某种原因保留了部分 DOM。
使用配置文件工具时始终进入隐身模式,此处不会加载任何扩展程序,并且您可以确定您在配置文件中看到的对象仅属于您......好吧,大多数情况下;您还会看到 chrome 内部数据结构包含在括号中,例如(编译代码)或(系统)。忽略这些,你无法控制它们。
This issue happens because you have chrome extensions that are retaining part of your DOM upon refresh for whatever reason.
When using the profile tools always go into incognito mode, no extensions are loaded here and you can be sure that the objects you see in the profile are only yours... well, mostly; you will also see chrome internal data structures wrapped in parentesis like (compiled code) or (system). Ignore those, you have no control over them.
Who would've said that incognito mode has other uses apart from... you know ;-)