Subclipse 提交作者
好吧,我使用 SVN 在 Subclipse 中提交的作者姓名意外地从我的用户名(我过去 3 年一直使用)更改为“svnsrvc”,这看起来很神奇。
最近发生的与 Eclipse 或 Subversion 相关的唯一系统更改是:我的 Windows 密码已过期,我必须输入新密码才能访问存储库;我们在 Subversion 服务器上安装了 VisualSVN 的更新。除此之外没有任何改变。
我曾经尝试过:打造一个新的工作场所;删除 .keyring 文件;使用带有新工作区的新版本 Eclipse。没有什么可以改变这种行为。我无法将存储库登录名更改为“svnsrvc”,因为我什至不知道密码。
我的操作系统是Win7,使用带有Subclipse插件和cfEclipse插件的Indigo Java EE。
Okay, so the author name that my commits happen under in Subclipse using SVN has unexpectedly changed from my username (which I have been using for the last 3 years) to 'svnsrvc', seemingly magically.
The only recent system changes related to Eclipse or Subversion that have occurred are: my Windows password had expired, and I had to put in my new password in order to access the repo; and we installed an update for VisualSVN on our subversion server. Other than that nothing has changed.
I have tried: making a new workplace; deleting the .keyring file; using a new version of Eclipse with a new workspace. Nothing changes this behaviour. There is no way I changed my repo login to 'svnsrvc' because I don't even know the password.
My OS is Win7, using Indigo Java EE with Subclipse plugin and cfEclipse plugin.
Has anyone ever seen anything like this before? I had thought that the author name could not be changed, ever.
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,设置为放置“错误”的作者姓名(或 Apache http 中的更改服务器)。请参阅“更改 svn 作者属性”:
至少检查一下这是否可以修复作者姓名错误的修订(或者通过 TortoiseSVN< /a>):
One possibility would be a change in the hooks of the server, like a
, set to put the 'wrong' author name (or a change in the Apache http server).See "Changing svn author property":
Check at least if this works to fix the revisions with the wrong author name (or do it through TortoiseSVN):