通过比较 TreeView 节点的 Tag 属性对它们进行排序
我编写了一个比较器,我想在 TreeView 的父节点上实现它,但我需要比较的是 Node.Tag.ToString() 而不是它们文本
。据我所知,没有重载或其他函数可以使用 TreeView.Sort() 来执行此操作。
I wrote a comparator and I want to implement it on parent nodes of a TreeView
but what I need to be compared is the Node.Tag.ToString()
and not by theire Text
. As far as I looked there is no overload or another function to do this using TreeView.Sort()
I wonder if you have a way or workaround in mind?
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如果您有 IComparer,看起来您可以设置 TreeViewNodeSorter 属性,然后调用 Sort 让节点按照您的意愿排序。
基于该链接的示例 - 未尝试,没有空检查等,但它应该可以工作:
treeView1.TreeViewNodeSorter = new NodeSorter();
。If you have an IComparer, it looks like you can set the TreeViewNodeSorter property to it and then call Sort to have the nodes sorted as you wish.
Example based on that link - not tried, no null checks etc. but it should work:
treeView1.TreeViewNodeSorter = new NodeSorter();
somewhere in your setup.