使用 Prolog 优化约束逻辑编程中的寻路
我正在开发一个小型序言应用程序来解决摩天大楼和栅栏 谜题。
问题在于计算“原始”尺寸为 6x6 的谜题。我让它运行了 5 个小时左右才中止它。时间太多了。
- 顶点由数字表示,0 表示路径不经过该特定顶点,> > 1 表示该顶点在路径中的顺序。
- 限制每个单元格周围有适当数量的线条。
- 这意味着如果两个顶点具有连续编号,则它们是连接的,例如 1 -> 。 2, 2-> 1, 1 -> 1
-> 1(Max
- 这意味着如果两个顶点具有连续编号,则它们是连接的,例如 1 -> 。 2, 2-> 1, 1 -> 1
- 确保每个非零顶点至少有两个具有连续编号的相邻顶点
- 将
约束为等于(BoardWidth + 1)^2 - NumberOfZeros
计算)。 - 使用
nvalue(Vertices, Max + 1)
(零值) - 找到第一个包含
print_row([Head|Tail]) :-
write(Head), write(' '),
print_board(Board, BoardWidth) :-
print_board(Board, BoardWidth, 0).
print_board(_, BoardWidth, BoardWidth).
print_board(Board, BoardWidth, Index) :-
make_segment(Board, BoardWidth, Index, row, Row),
print_row(Row), nl,
NewIndex is Index + 1,
print_board(Board, BoardWidth, NewIndex).
print_boards([], _).
print_boards([Head|Tail], BoardWidth) :-
print_board(Head, BoardWidth), nl,
print_boards(Tail, BoardWidth).
get_board_element(Board, BoardWidth, X, Y, Element) :-
Index is BoardWidth*Y + X,
get_element_at(Board, Index, Element).
make_column([], _, _, []).
make_column(Board, BoardWidth, Index, Segment) :-
get_element_at(Board, Index, Element),
munch(Board, BoardWidth, MunchedBoard),
make_column(MunchedBoard, BoardWidth, Index, ColumnTail),
append([Element], ColumnTail, Segment).
make_segment(Board, BoardWidth, Index, row, Segment) :-
NIrrelevantElements is BoardWidth*Index,
munch(Board, NIrrelevantElements, MunchedBoard),
select_n_elements(MunchedBoard, BoardWidth, Segment).
make_segment(Board, BoardWidth, Index, column, Segment) :-
make_column(Board, BoardWidth, Index, Segment).
verify_segment(_, 0).
verify_segment(Segment, Value) :-
verify_segment(Segment, Value, 0).
verify_segment([], 0, _).
verify_segment([Head|Tail], Value, Max) :-
Head #> Max #<=> B,
Value #= M+B,
maximum(NewMax, [Head, Max]),
verify_segment(Tail, M, NewMax).
exactly(_, [], 0).
exactly(X, [Y|L], N) :-
X #= Y #<=> B,
N #= M +B,
exactly(X, L, M).
constrain_numbers(Vars) :-
exactly(3, Vars, 1),
exactly(2, Vars, 1),
exactly(1, Vars, 1).
iteration_values(BoardWidth, Index, row, 0, column) :-
Index is BoardWidth - 1.
iteration_values(BoardWidth, Index, Type, NewIndex, Type) :-
\+((Type = row, Index is BoardWidth - 1)),
NewIndex is Index + 1.
solve_skyscrapers(Board, BoardWidth) :-
solve_skyscrapers(Board, BoardWidth, 0, row).
solve_skyscrapers(_, BoardWidth, BoardWidth, column).
solve_skyscrapers(Board, BoardWidth, Index, Type) :-
make_segment(Board, BoardWidth, Index, Type, Segment),
domain(Segment, 0, 3),
observer(Type, Index, forward, ForwardObserver),
verify_segment(Segment, ForwardObserver),
observer(Type, Index, reverse, ReverseObserver),
reverse(Segment, ReversedSegment),
verify_segment(ReversedSegment, ReverseObserver),
iteration_values(BoardWidth, Index, Type, NewIndex, NewType),
solve_skyscrapers(Board, BoardWidth, NewIndex, NewType).
build_vertex_list(_, Vertices, BoardWidth, X, Y, List) :-
V1X is X, V1Y is Y, V1Index is V1X + V1Y*(BoardWidth+1),
V2X is X+1, V2Y is Y, V2Index is V2X + V2Y*(BoardWidth+1),
V3X is X+1, V3Y is Y+1, V3Index is V3X + V3Y*(BoardWidth+1),
V4X is X, V4Y is Y+1, V4Index is V4X + V4Y*(BoardWidth+1),
get_element_at(Vertices, V1Index, V1),
get_element_at(Vertices, V2Index, V2),
get_element_at(Vertices, V3Index, V3),
get_element_at(Vertices, V4Index, V4),
List = [V1, V2, V3, V4].
build_neighbors_list(Vertices, VertexWidth, X, Y, [NorthMask, EastMask, SouthMask, WestMask], [NorthNeighbor, EastNeighbor, SouthNeighbor, WestNeighbor]) :-
NorthY is Y - 1,
EastX is X + 1,
SouthY is Y + 1,
WestX is X - 1,
NorthNeighborIndex is (NorthY)*VertexWidth + X,
EastNeighborIndex is Y*VertexWidth + EastX,
SouthNeighborIndex is (SouthY)*VertexWidth + X,
WestNeighborIndex is Y*VertexWidth + WestX,
(NorthY >= 0, get_element_at(Vertices, NorthNeighborIndex, NorthNeighbor) -> NorthMask = 1 ; NorthMask = 0),
(EastX < VertexWidth, get_element_at(Vertices, EastNeighborIndex, EastNeighbor) -> EastMask = 1 ; EastMask = 0),
(SouthY < VertexWidth, get_element_at(Vertices, SouthNeighborIndex, SouthNeighbor) -> SouthMask = 1 ; SouthMask = 0),
(WestX >= 0, get_element_at(Vertices, WestNeighborIndex, WestNeighbor) -> WestMask = 1 ; WestMask = 0).
solve_path(_, VertexWidth, 0, VertexWidth) :-
solve_path(Vertices, VertexWidth, VertexWidth, Y) :-
write('switch row'),nl,
Y \= VertexWidth,
NewY is Y + 1,
solve_path(Vertices, VertexWidth, 0, NewY).
solve_path(Vertices, VertexWidth, X, Y) :-
X >= 0, X < VertexWidth, Y >= 0, Y < VertexWidth,
write('Path: '), nl,
write('Vertex width: '), write(VertexWidth), nl,
write('X: '), write(X), write(' Y: '), write(Y), nl,
VertexIndex is X + Y*VertexWidth,
get_element_at(Vertices, VertexIndex, Vertex),
build_neighbors_list(Vertices, VertexWidth, X, Y, [NorthMask, EastMask, SouthMask, WestMask], [NorthNeighbor, EastNeighbor, SouthNeighbor, WestNeighbor]),
L1 = [NorthMask, EastMask, SouthMask, WestMask],
L2 = [NorthNeighbor, EastNeighbor, SouthNeighbor, WestNeighbor],
maximum(Max, Vertices),
write('Max: '), write(Max),nl,
write('Vertex: '), write(Vertex),nl,
(Vertex #> 1 #/\ Vertex #\= Max) #=> (
((NorthMask #> 0 #/\ NorthNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (NorthNeighbor #= Vertex - 1)) #\
((EastMask #> 0 #/\ EastNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (EastNeighbor #= Vertex - 1)) #\
((SouthMask #> 0 #/\ SouthNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (SouthNeighbor #= Vertex - 1)) #\
((WestMask #> 0 #/\ WestNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (WestNeighbor #= Vertex - 1))
) #/\ (
((NorthMask #> 0 #/\ NorthNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (NorthNeighbor #= Vertex + 1)) #\
((EastMask #> 0 #/\ EastNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (EastNeighbor #= Vertex + 1)) #\
((SouthMask #> 0 #/\ SouthNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (SouthNeighbor #= Vertex + 1)) #\
((WestMask #> 0 #/\ WestNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (WestNeighbor #= Vertex + 1))
Vertex #= 1 #=> (
((NorthMask #> 0 #/\ NorthNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (NorthNeighbor #= Max)) #\
((EastMask #> 0 #/\ EastNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (EastNeighbor #= Max)) #\
((SouthMask #> 0 #/\ SouthNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (SouthNeighbor #= Max)) #\
((WestMask #> 0 #/\ WestNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (WestNeighbor #= Max))
) #/\ (
((NorthMask #> 0 #/\ NorthNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (NorthNeighbor #= 2)) #\
((EastMask #> 0 #/\ EastNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (EastNeighbor #= 2)) #\
((SouthMask #> 0 #/\ SouthNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (SouthNeighbor #= 2)) #\
((WestMask #> 0 #/\ WestNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (WestNeighbor #= 2))
Vertex #= Max #=> (
((NorthMask #> 0 #/\ NorthNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (NorthNeighbor #= 1)) #\
((EastMask #> 0 #/\ EastNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (EastNeighbor #= 1)) #\
((SouthMask #> 0 #/\ SouthNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (SouthNeighbor #= 1)) #\
((WestMask #> 0 #/\ WestNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (WestNeighbor #= 1))
) #/\ (
((NorthMask #> 0 #/\ NorthNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (NorthNeighbor #= Max - 1)) #\
((EastMask #> 0 #/\ EastNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (EastNeighbor #= Max - 1)) #\
((SouthMask #> 0 #/\ SouthNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (SouthNeighbor #= Max - 1)) #\
((WestMask #> 0 #/\ WestNeighbor #> 0) #/\ (WestNeighbor #= Max - 1))
NewX is X + 1,
solve_path(Vertices, VertexWidth, NewX, Y).
solve_fences(Board, Vertices, BoardWidth) :-
VertexWidth is BoardWidth + 1,
write('- Solving vertices'),nl,
solve_vertices(Board, Vertices, BoardWidth, 0, 0),
write('- Solving path'),nl,
solve_path(Vertices, VertexWidth, 0, 0).
solve_vertices(_, _, BoardWidth, 0, BoardWidth).
solve_vertices(Board, Vertices, BoardWidth, BoardWidth, Y) :-
Y \= BoardWidth,
NewY is Y + 1,
solve_vertices(Board, Vertices, BoardWidth, 0, NewY).
solve_vertices(Board, Vertices, BoardWidth, X, Y) :-
X >= 0, X < BoardWidth, Y >= 0, Y < BoardWidth,
write('X: '), write(X), write(' Y: '), write(Y), nl,
build_vertex_list(Board, Vertices, BoardWidth, X, Y, [V1, V2, V3, V4]),
get_board_element(Board, BoardWidth, X, Y, Element),
maximum(Max, Vertices),
(V1 #> 0 #/\ V2 #> 0 #/\
(V1 + 1 #= V2) #\
(V1 - 1 #= V2) #\
(V1 #= Max #/\ V2 #= 1) #\
(V1 #= 1 #/\ V2 #= Max)
) #<=> B1,
(V2 #> 0 #/\ V3 #> 0 #/\
(V2 + 1 #= V3) #\
(V2 - 1 #= V3) #\
(V2 #= Max #/\ V3 #= 1) #\
(V2 #= 1 #/\ V3 #= Max)
) #<=> B2,
(V3 #> 0 #/\ V4 #> 0 #/\
(V3 + 1 #= V4) #\
(V3 - 1 #= V4) #\
(V3 #= Max #/\ V4 #= 1) #\
(V3 #= 1 #/\ V4 #= Max)
) #<=> B3,
(V4 #> 0 #/\ V1 #> 0 #/\
(V4 + 1 #= V1) #\
(V4 - 1 #= V1) #\
(V4 #= Max #/\ V1 #= 1) #\
(V4 #= 1 #/\ V1 #= Max)
) #<=> B4,
sum([B1, B2, B3, B4], #= , C),
Element #> 0 #=> C #= Element,
NewX is X + 1,
solve_vertices(Board, Vertices, BoardWidth, NewX, Y).
sel_next_variable_for_path(Vars,Sel,Rest) :-
% write(Vars), nl,
findall(Idx-Cost, (nth1(Idx, Vars,V), fd_set(V,S), fdset_size(S,Size), fdset_min(S,Min), var_cost(Min,Size, Cost)), L),
min_member(comp, BestIdx-_MinCost, L),
nth1(BestIdx, Vars, Sel, Rest),!.
var_cost(0, _, 1000000) :- !.
var_cost(_, 1, 1000000) :- !.
var_cost(X, _, X).
%build_vertex_list(_, Vertices, BoardWidth, X, Y, List)
constrain_starting_and_ending_vertices(Vertices, [V1,V2,V3,V4]) :-
maximum(Max, Vertices),
(V1 #= 1 #/\ V2 #= Max #/\ V3 #= Max - 1 #/\ V4 #= 2 ) #\
(V1 #= Max #/\ V2 #= 1 #/\ V3 #= 2 #/\ V4 #= Max - 1 ) #\
(V1 #= Max - 1 #/\ V2 #= Max #/\ V3 #= 1 #/\ V4 #= 2 ) #\
(V1 #= 2 #/\ V2 #= 1 #/\ V3 #= Max #/\ V4 #= Max - 1 ) #\
(V1 #= 1 #/\ V2 #= 2 #/\ V3 #= Max - 1 #/\ V4 #= Max ) #\
(V1 #= Max #/\ V2 #= Max - 1 #/\ V3 #= 2 #/\ V4 #= 1 ) #\
(V1 #= Max - 1 #/\ V2 #= 2 #/\ V3 #= 1 #/\ V4 #= Max ) #\
(V1 #= 2 #/\ V2 #= Max - 1 #/\ V3 #= Max #/\ V4 #= 1 ).
set_starting_and_ending_vertices(Board, Vertices, BoardWidth) :-
set_starting_and_ending_vertices(Board, Vertices, BoardWidth, 0, 0).
set_starting_and_ending_vertices(Board, Vertices, BoardWidth, BoardWidth, Y) :-
Y \= BoardWidth,
NewY is Y + 1,
solve_path(Board, Vertices, BoardWidth, 0, NewY).
set_starting_and_ending_vertices(Board, Vertices, BoardWidth, X, Y) :-
X >= 0, X < BoardWidth, Y >= 0, Y < BoardWidth,
build_vertex_list(_, Vertices, BoardWidth, X, Y, List),
get_board_element(Board, BoardWidth, X, Y, Element),
(Element = 3 ->
constrain_starting_and_ending_vertices(Vertices, List)
NewX is X + 1,
set_starting_and_ending_vertices(Board, Vertices, BoardWidth, NewX, Y)).
solve(Board, Vertices, BoardWidth) :-
write('Skyscrapers'), nl,
solve_skyscrapers(Board, BoardWidth),
write('Labeling'), nl,
labeling([ff], Board), !,
write('Setting domain'), nl,
NVertices is (BoardWidth+1)*(BoardWidth+1),
domain(Vertices, 0, NVertices),
write('Starting and ending vertices'), nl,
set_starting_and_ending_vertices(Board, Vertices, BoardWidth),
write('Setting maximum'), nl,
maximum(Max, Vertices),
Max #> BoardWidth + 1,
Max #< NVertices,
count(0, Vertices, #=, NZeros),
Max #= NVertices - NZeros,
write('Calling nvalue'), nl,
ValueCount #= Max + 1,
nvalue(ValueCount, Vertices),
write('Solving fences'), nl,
solve_fences(Board, Vertices, BoardWidth),
write('Labeling'), nl,
labeling([ff], Vertices).
main :-
solve(Board, Vertices, BoardWidth),
% labeling([ff], Board),
% Boards
%append(Board, Vertices, Final),
print_board(Board, 6), nl,
print_board(Vertices, 7).
get_element_at([Head|_], 0, Head).
get_element_at([_|Tail], Index, Element) :-
Index \= 0,
NewIndex is Index - 1,
get_element_at(Tail, NewIndex, Element).
reverse([], []).
reverse([Head|Tail], Inv) :-
reverse(Tail, Aux),
append(Aux, [Head], Inv).
munch(List, 0, List).
munch([_|Tail], Count, FinalList) :-
Count > 0,
NewCount is Count - 1,
munch(Tail, NewCount, FinalList).
select_n_elements(_, 0, []).
select_n_elements([Head|Tail], Count, FinalList) :-
Count > 0,
NewCount is Count - 1,
select_n_elements(Tail, NewCount, Result),
append([Head], Result, FinalList).
generate_list(Element, NElements, [Element|Result]) :-
NElements > 0,
NewNElements is NElements - 1,
generate_list(Element, NewNElements, Result).
generate_list(_, 0, []).
% Skyscrapers and Fences puzzle S1
%observer(Type, Index, Orientation, Observer),
observer(row, 0, forward, 2).
observer(row, 1, forward, 2).
observer(row, 2, forward, 2).
observer(row, 3, forward, 1).
observer(row, 4, forward, 2).
observer(row, 5, forward, 1).
observer(row, 0, reverse, 1).
observer(row, 1, reverse, 1).
observer(row, 2, reverse, 2).
observer(row, 3, reverse, 3).
observer(row, 4, reverse, 2).
observer(row, 5, reverse, 2).
observer(column, 0, forward, 2).
observer(column, 1, forward, 3).
observer(column, 2, forward, 0).
observer(column, 3, forward, 2).
observer(column, 4, forward, 2).
observer(column, 5, forward, 1).
observer(column, 0, reverse, 1).
observer(column, 1, reverse, 1).
observer(column, 2, reverse, 2).
observer(column, 3, reverse, 2).
observer(column, 4, reverse, 2).
observer(column, 5, reverse, 2).
_, _, 2, _, _, _,
_, _, _, _, _, _,
_, 2, _, _, _, _,
_, _, _, 2, _, _,
_, _, _, _, _, _,
_, _, _, _, _, _
_, _, _, _, _, _, _,
_, _, _, _, _, _, _,
_, _, _, _, _, _, _,
_, _, _, _, _, _, _,
_, _, _, _, _, _, _,
_, _, _, _, _, _, _,
_, _, _, _, _, _, _
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。
一旦解决了这个错误,我就面临着第一次尝试的低效率。我在普通的 Prolog 中重新设计了一个类似的模式,只是为了验证它的效率有多低。
至少,我了解如何更有效地使用 CLP(FD) 来模拟问题(在 twinterer 答案的帮助下),现在程序速度很快(0,2 秒)。所以现在我可以提示您有关您的代码的信息:所需的约束比您编码的约束远简单:对于栅栏部分,即建筑物位置固定,我们有 2 个约束:高度的边数> 0,并将边连接在一起:当使用边时,相邻边的总和必须为1(两边)。
这是我的代码的最后一个版本,使用 SWI-Prolog 开发。
正如我所提到的,我的第一次尝试更加“程序化”:它绘制了一个循环,但我无法解决的问题基本上是顶点子集的基数必须事先已知,基于全局约束 全部不同。它在缩小的 4*4 拼图上运行得很痛苦,但在 6*6 原始拼图上几个小时后我停止了它。不管怎样,从头开始学习如何用 CLP(FD) 绘制路径是有回报的。
I also, like twinterer, enjoyed this puzzle. But being a principiant, I had first to discover an appropriate strategy, for both skyscrapes and fences part, and then deeply debugging the latter, cause a copy variables problem that locked me many hours.
Once solved the bug, I faced the inefficiency of my first attempt. I reworked in plain Prolog a similar schema, just to verify how inefficient it was.
At least, I understood how use CLP(FD) more effectively to model the problem (with help from the twinterer' answer), and now the program is fast (0,2 sec). So now I can hint you about your code: the required constraints are far simpler than those you coded: for the fences part, i.e. with a buildings placement fixed, we have 2 constraints: number of edges where height > 0, and linking the edges together: when an edge is used, the sum of adjacents must be 1 (on both sides).
Here is the last version of my code, developed with SWI-Prolog.
The output:
As I mentioned, my first attempt was more 'procedural': it draws a loop, but the problem I was unable to solve is basically that the cardinality of vertices subset must be known before, being based on the global constraint all_different. It painfully works on a reduced 4*4 puzzle, but I stopped it after some hours on the 6*6 original. Anyway, learning from scratch how to draw a path with CLP(FD) has been rewarding.
Thanks you for such interesting question.
MORE EDIT:here the main miss piece of code for the complete solution (index_square.pl)
快速浏览一下您的程序就会发现您大量使用了具体化。不幸的是,这样的表述意味着 SICStus 等当前系统的一致性较弱。
假设您想要表达 (X1,Y1) 和 (X2,Y2) 是水平或垂直邻居。您可以对每种可能性说
( X1+1 #= X2 #/\ Y1 #= Y2 ) #\ ...
(并检查您的健康保险是否涵盖 RSI)。或者您可以说
abs(X1-X2)+abs(Y1-Y2) #= 1
。在过去,SICStus Prolog 曾经为此有一个对称差异(--)/2
,但我假设您使用的是版本 4。上面的公式保持了间隔一致性(至少我从我尝试过的例子):
可能会有所帮助(4.2.0 中的新增功能)。有兴趣了解这一点...另一种可能性可能是使用另一种实现:例如 YAP 的
或 SWI。A quick glance over your program suggests that you use reification quite heavily. Unfortunately, such formulations imply weak consistency in current systems like SICStus.
Often, however, things can be formulated more compactly leading to better consistency. Here is one example which you might adapt to your needs.
Say, you want to express that (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2) are horizontal or vertical neighbors. You could say
( X1+1 #= X2 #/\ Y1 #= Y2 ) #\ ...
for each possiblity (and check if your health insurance covers RSI).Or you can say
abs(X1-X2)+abs(Y1-Y2) #= 1
. In the olden tymes SICStus Prolog used to have a symmetric difference(--)/2
for that, but I assume you are using version 4.Above formulation maintains interval consistency (at least I conclude this from the examples I tried):
So the
is readily constrained!There might be situations (as you indicate in your response) where you need the reified form to maintain other constraints. In this case you might consider to post both.
Leaf through the manual, there are several combinatorial constraints that might be interesting too. And as a quick fix,
might help (new in 4.2.0). Would be interested to hear about this...Another possibility might be to use another implementation: For example
of YAP or SWI.多么漂亮的小拼图啊!为了理解这些属性,我在 ECLiPSe 中实现了一个解决方案。可以在这里找到它: http://pastebin.com/eZbgjgFA (如果您看到循环,请不要担心代码:这些可以很容易地翻译成标准的 Prolog 谓词,但是,还有其他东西,从 ECLiPSe 翻译成 Sicstus 并不那么容易)
我总共使用了八个数组:HxWx4 边数组 (0/1)、每个字段顶点的活动边 (H+1)x(W+1) 数组 (0/2)、活动边总和的 HxW 数组边 (0..3)、建筑物的 HxW 数组 (0/1)、建筑物高度的两个 [H,W]x3 数组以及建筑物位置的两个 [H,W]x3 数组。
再次查看您的程序,您似乎遵循了类似的策略,即首先放置建筑物。但是,您可以在设置约束和标签之间进行迭代。这效率不高。在 CLP 中,您应该始终预先放置约束(除非约束确实取决于部分解决方案的当前状态),并且仅当发布约束时您才搜索解决方案。这样,您可以在搜索过程中检测到所有约束的失败。否则,您可能会找到一个满足您迄今为止发布的约束集的部分解决方案,却发现一旦添加其他约束就无法完成该解决方案。
What a nice little puzzle! In order to understand the properties, I implemented a solution in ECLiPSe. It can be found here: http://pastebin.com/eZbgjgFA (Don't worry if you see loops in the code: these can be easily translated into standard Prolog predicates. There's other stuff, though, that's not so easily translated from ECLiPSe into Sicstus)
Execution time is faster than what you report, but could probably be better:
What you see in the answer is the matrix of edges. Each inner term denotes for a field in the puzzle, which edge is active (left,up,right,down). I edited out the rest.
I used eight arrays in total: the HxWx4 array of edges (0/1), a (H+1)x(W+1) array of active edges per field vertex (0/2), a HxW array of sums of active edges (0..3), a HxW array of buildings (0/1), two [H,W]x3 arrays of building heights, and two [H,W]x3 arrays of building positions.
The requirement that there must be only one path is not put as a constraint, but merely executed as a check after a potential solution is found during labeling.
The constraints are:
the sum array must contain for each field the sum of the active edges for that field
touching edges of neighbouring fields must contain the same value
the vertex points must have two active edges connected to them, or none
in each column/row, exactly three buildings must be placed. Some of the buildings are placed by the definition of the puzzle
each building height in a row/column must be different
the building height corresponds to the sum of active edges at this position
the number of visible buildings is specified by the definition of the puzzle. This restricts the order in which the buildings can appear in the row/column.
the positions of the buildings in a row/column must be given in ascending order
once the position of the first/second/third building is known, we can infer some positions where no building can be placed.
With this set of constraints, we are now ready to label. Labeling is done in two steps, which speeds up the solving process.
In a first step, only the building positions are labeled. This is the most restricted part, and if we find a solution here, the rest is much easier.
In the second step, all other variables are labeled. For both steps, I chose "first fail" as labeling strategy, i.e., label variables with smallest domain first.
Without solving the building positions first, the program takes much longer (I always stopped it after some minutes). Since I didn't have a second puzzle instance available, I'm not sure that the search strategy will feasible in all instances, though
Looking through your program again, it seems that you follow a similar strategy of placing the buildings first. However, you iterate between setting constraints and labeling. This is not efficient. In CLP, you should always place the constraints upfront (unless the constraints really depend on the current state of the partial solution), and only when the constraints are posted you search for a solution. This way, you can detect failure regarding all constraints during your search. Otherwise, you may find a partial solution that fulfils the set of constraints that you posted so far, only to find out that you cannot complete the solution once the other constraints are added.
Also, if you have different sets of variables, experiment with the order in which the variables are labeled. There's no universal recipe for that, though.
Hope this helps!