我们可以在 iOS5 上取消应用程序的推送通知吗?
在 iOS5 上,推送通知显示在顶部栏上,并且不会阻止用户。当显示推送通知并且用户单击我们的应用程序而不是推栏时,我们的应用程序将正常启动。但是,我们想取消当时的推送通知。是否可以 ?多谢!
On iOS5, the push notification shows on the top bar and not block user. When the push notification is showing and user click our application but not the push bar, our app will launch normally. However, we want to cancel the push notification at that time. Is it possible ? Thanks a lot!
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Short answer: No. There is no way you can manipulate sent notifications as far as I know.
一旦推送请求发送到 Apple 推送通知服务器,就完成了。它消失在他们的系统中,然后他们将尝试在“尽力而为”的基础上交付它。您不会收到有关其状态或任何更改/删除它的能力的反馈。
如果您想发送可以在以后的数据中取消/修改的延迟通知,请编写您自己的解决方案,或使用一些预先存在的解决方案(例如 Urban Airship)。
Slightly longer answer:
Once a push request has been sent to the Apple Push Notification servers, thats it. It disappears into their system and they will then try to deliver it on a 'best effort' basis. You receive no feedback about its status or any ability to change/delete it.
The only form of feedback you can get is about which devices do not wish to receive push notifications that you tried to send to.
If you want to send delayed notifications which can be cancelled/modified at later data, either write you own solution, or use some pre-existing solution (e.g Urban Airship).