问题是,有多少种方法可以构建具有 15 个元素的完美平衡二叉树?
一种可能性是 8-4-12-2-6-10-14-1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15 ..
我的想法是编写一些代码来生成每种可能的排列(这将就像.. 15!)然后删除不正确的。
正确的第一个元素是 8,4 总是在 2 和 6 之前,2 总是在 1 和 3 之前,6 总是在 5 和 7 之前,依此类推。
但类似 perms2 = list(itertools.permutations([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15])) 导致内存错误。
- 如果元素数量为1,则有1种方式
- ,3个元素有2种方式(2-1-3或2-3-1)
- ,7个元素有80种方式(根据我的代码并执行)手动)
The question is, how many ways are there to build a perfectly balanced binary tree with 15 elements?
One possibility would bei 8-4-12-2-6-10-14-1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15..
My idea was to write some code that generates every possible permutation (which would be like.. 15!) and then remove the ones that are incorrect.
Correct ones have the 8 as the first element, 4 always comes before 2 and 6, 2 always comes before 1 and 3, 6 always comes before 5 and 7 and so on.
But something like perms2 = list(itertools.permutations([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]))
causes a memory error.
Is there a way to generate permutations with the rules as above?
Or is there even a more simple way to solve my problem?
- if the amount of elements is 1, there is 1 way
- with 3 elements there are 2 ways (2-1-3 or 2-3-1)
- with 7 elements there are 80 ways (according to my code and doing it manually)
but that didn't help me to get some kind of formula..
Edit: this is the tree i am talking about: http://666kb.com/i/bz9znnpdj7etw0fo9.gif
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正确的数字是 21964800。这是适当的整数序列:
在最低级别,您可以在两种可能性之间进行选择,例如:2-1-3 和 2-3-1。在上面的级别上,您可以将两个较低层的所选顺序纠缠在(6 over 3)中
The correct number is 21964800. This is the appropriate integer sequence:
Basically you recursively multiply the possibilities:
On the lowest level you can choose between two possibilities, e.g: 2-1-3 and 2-3-1. On the level above that you can entangle the chosen order of both lower layers in (6 over 3)
ways and so on.
我不确定你所说的完美平衡是什么意思。但是,如果您的意思是每个节点的左右节点数量都相等,并且您有 15 个元素 [1-15],其中 2^4 -1 个元素,您可以拥有这样一棵树。因为四层完全二叉树正好有 15 个元素。
另外从你的问题来看,你的意思似乎是一个完整的二叉搜索树。对于 15 个元素 (1-15),只有一棵这样的树可能。
考虑根节点中可以包含哪些内容。 1-15 的确切中位数是多少?只有8和8。所以根只能是8。如果你使用归纳法,你会得出结论:所有节点只有一个可能的值
I am not sure what you mean by perfectly balanced. But if you mean both number of left and right nodes are equal for every node and you have 15 elements [1-15] which 2^4 -1 elements you can have a such a tree. Because a complete binary tree of four levels exactly has 15 elements.
Also from your question it seems like you mean a complete binary search tree. With 15 elements ( 1-15) there is only one such tree possible.
Consider what can go in the root node. What number is the exact median of 1-15. It is 8 and 8 only. so only 8 can be at the root. And if you use induction you will conclude that all nodes only have one possible value
例如,对于 3 个不同的元素,只有 1 棵可能的树。
对于 4,有 2 个
对于 5,有 3 个
对于 6,只有 2 个(3 和 4 作为根,其余是隐含的)
对于 7,只有 1 个。
对于 15,给定一个根,需要放置 14 个元素,恰好是 7+7,只能以一种形式表示,所以我对你的问题的猜测是只有一种解决方案,而 8 是根。
There is probably a formula to be found. See with a small tree how many posibilities there are.
For example, for 3 different elements, there is only 1 possible tree.
For 4, there are 2
For 5, there are 3
For 6, there are only 2 (3 and 4 as root, the rest is implied)
For 7, only 1.
For 15, given a root, there are 14 elements to place, which happens to be 7+7, which is representable in only one form, so my guess as to your problem is that there is only one solution, and 8 is root.
高度为 h 的最大平衡树将有 2^(h-1) 个叶子 - 例如,对于高度 1,唯一的叶子是根。这些都是最深层的。
一棵高度为 h 的最小平衡树在最深层只有一个节点。
因此,构建完美平衡二叉树的方式数量与最深级别 1 到 2^(h-1) 个节点的方式数量相同。
有 2^(h-1) 个节点可能存在也可能不存在于该级别(组合问题,而不是排列),因此您得到 2^(2^(h-1)) 种可能性,其中只有一个 ( “无”的情况)无效。
所以我认为你的答案是 (2^(2^(h-1)))-1。因此,如果您可以确定正确的 h...
请注意我对 h 的定义 - 零高度树根本没有节点,并给出无意义的结果 - sqrt(2)-1 至少在两个意义上是一个不合理的答案。
如果我们的树的高度为 h,那么它总共最多可以有 (2^h)-1 个节点。不包括最深的级别,它有 (2^(h-1))-1 个节点 - 所有这些节点都必须存在。
我们在最深层有 c-((2^(h-1))-1) 个节点,我们可以从最深层的 2^(h-1) 个可能位置中选择将这些节点放置在哪里。我使用 c 进行计数,因为我想定义...
answer = n 选择 k
我仍然还没有从 c 导出 h - 它应该是以 2 为底的对数的下限,但我有一种一一对应的感觉。
With your definition of perfectly balanced, all the variation in structure happens at the deepest level of the tree, so you only need to worry about that one level.
A maximal balanced tree with height h will have 2^(h-1) leaves - e.g. for height 1, the only leaf is the root. These are all at the deepest level.
A minimal balanced tree with height h has only one node at the deepest level.
The number of ways you can construct a perfectly balanced binary tree is therefore the same as the number of ways you can have between 1 and 2^(h-1) nodes at the deepest level.
There are 2^(h-1) nodes that may or may not be present at that level (a combinations problem, not permutations), so you get 2^(2^(h-1)) possiblilities, of which only one (the "none" case) is invalid.
So I think your answer is (2^(2^(h-1)))-1. So if you can determine the correct h...
That's assuming a binary search tree (with item values unique and in order), so the binary tree is fully determined by the choice of which deepest-level nodes are present. Otherwise, you multiply that by the number of permutations of the sequence of values.
Take care with my definition of h - a zero-height tree would have no nodes at all, and give a nonsense result - sqrt(2)-1 is an irrational answer in at least two senses.
Marcs comment made me think some more. For a particular height I think my answer is right. The problem is that a particular height allows various different numbers of total nodes, because it allows various different numbers of nodes in that deepest layer. So I can't get the correct answer for one particular node count this way. So... lets try again...
If our tree has height h, it can have at most (2^h)-1 nodes in total. Excluding the deepest level, it has (2^(h-1))-1 nodes - all of which must be present.
We have c-((2^(h-1))-1) nodes at the deepest level, and we get to choose where to put those nodes from the 2^(h-1) possible positions at the deepest level. I use c for count, because I want to define...
answer = n choose k
I still haven't derived h from c - it should be the floor of the base 2 logarithm, but I have that out-by-one-somewhere feeling.