尝试使用 RPM 在虚拟机上安装 fedora
这是一个非常愚蠢的问题。我正在尝试在虚拟机上安装 Fedora(开源 VirtualBox 似乎是最佳选择)。我从某个地方下载了它,我有 rpm 而不是 iso。如果它只是 ISO,我可以简单地使用虚拟克隆驱动器安装它,然后我就可以将它安装在 virtualBox 上,因为它会认为它是一张 CD。但如何使用 RPM 做到这一点呢?我的印象是 RPM 只是一种打包格式,如 .rar 或 .zip,但如何在 virtualBox 上安装这个东西?找到某种 rpm 的 unrapper 然后安装?或者有没有更简单的方法。
This is a pretty dumb question. I am trying to install Fedora on a virtual machine (the open source VirtualBox seems like the best option). I downloaded it from somewhere, and I have the rpm instead of the iso. If it were just the ISO I could simply mount it using virtual clone drive and then I would be able to install it on virtualBox, because it would think that it is a cd. But how do I do that with an RPM? I get the impression that an RPM is simply a packaging format like a .rar or .zip but how do I install this thing on virtualBox? Find some kind of unrapper for an rpm and then install? Or is there a simpler way.
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抱歉,您无法从 RPM 文件将 Fedora 安装到 VirtualBox VM 上。没有任何东西可以从 RPM 生成 ISO,但这是您的 VM 能够作为安装介质挂载的唯一文件类型。您必须下载 ISO。
Sorry, but you're not going to be able to install Fedora onto a VirtualBox VM from the RPM file. There's nothing out there that will produce an ISO from the RPM, but that's the only type of file your VM will be able to mount as a install medium. You'll have to download the ISO.