iOS Enterprise:使用新证书重新认证现有 IPA
我们已加入 iOS 企业计划。用于我们发布的应用程序的配置文件即将过期,因此我获得了新的证书和配置文件。
(我依稀记得看到一个实用程序正是这样做的:您选择一个 IPA 和一个配置文件,它将使用新的配置文件和证书创建一个新的 IPA。该工具的名称是什么,我在哪里可以获得它?)
We are enrolled in the iOS Enterprise Program. The provisioning profile used for our released apps is about to expire, so I got a new certificate and provisioning profile.
I need to re-distribute some of our apps with the new provisioning profile, without building them anew. How?
(I vaguely remember seeing a utility program that did exactly this: You choose an IPA and a provisioning profile, and it would create a new IPA using the new profile and certificate. What was the tool’s name, and where can I get it?)
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。
理论上,无论谁在 XCode 中构建了最后一个 IPA,都应该使用 Archive - 这会创建一个构建,您可以通过签名来创建 IPA(使用 XCode)。
In theory whoever built the last IPA in XCode should have used Archive - this creates a build you can sign to create an IPA (using XCode).
You could also try using the command line signing tool
to re-sign the App bundled in your existing IPA:
好吧,事实证明,当您知道Google 的术语时,就会发现有很多优秀的资源…
。我使它与这个 shell 片段一起工作,改编自OK, turns out when you know what term to google, there‘s lots of excellent resources…
They all point to
. I made it work with this shell snippet, adapted from this promising build script:iOS SDK 工具中包含的 codesign 命令行实用程序将允许添加/更改开发人员构建的应用程序签名所用的证书和配置。
The codesign command-line utility, included with the iOS SDK tools, will allow adding/changing the certificate and provision with which a developer built app is signed.
正如 hotpaw2 的 anwaswer 所说。您还可以使用协同设计工具辞职。
将 .ipa 重命名为 .zip 并解压
重新压缩 Payload 文件夹并重命名为 .ipa
文件!如果您使用 finder,请记住删除 .DS_Store (rm Payload/.DS_Store
)。As hotpaw2's anwaswer states. You can also resign using the codesign tool.
The way I do it (this may not be the most efficient, but it works)
Rename the .ipa to a .zip and extract
Run The following:
Re-zip the Payload folder and rename to .ipa
Note: You can also use this method to edit the
file! Just remember to remove the .DS_Store (rm Payload/.DS_Store
) if you are using finder.如果您只是按照以下步骤从同一帐户退出应用程序,则可以采用手动方式。
所有这一切都使用 shell 脚本,并且非常简单,只要您知道如何使用 shell 命令。
注意:要在上传到 Apple 之前验证 IPA,您可以使用内置 XCode App Loader 中的 altool 来检查新的 IPA 。
如果您愿意要摆脱手动签名,请使用 fastlane 工具,因为它非常简单且易于配置。
You can do manual way if you just resigning app from same account with following steps.
All this is using shell script and super easy provided you know how to use shell commands.
Note: To validate the IPA before upload to apple you can just use the altool from inbuild XCode App Loader to check the new IPA.
Reference: The steps for commands is also explained here:
If you want to get rid of manual sign use the fastlane tool as its quite simple and easy to configure.