查找有关 Eclipse 插件的执行上下文信息
我正在当前开发的 Eclipse 插件中使用 Reflections 库。 显然,当插件在 Eclipse 中作为捆绑包部署时一切都很好(即,它的 jar 被放入 Eclipse 的插件文件夹中),但是当插件在开发过程中执行时(运行为/Eclipse 应用程序),我需要将执行插件的项目的输出文件夹(例如“bin”)添加到 Reflections 库的搜索路径中。
那么我的问题是,是否有办法在插件激活时知道以下信息: - 如果插件已作为捆绑包部署,或者已在另一个 Eclipse 实例的上下文中执行 - 启动插件的项目的输出目录(如果插件是从另一个 Eclipse 实例执行的)。所以我可以将该输出目录添加到 Reflections 库中。
这更像是一种黑客行为,而不是理想的解决方案,但这是我迄今为止想到的唯一使反射正常工作的解决方法,因为我不想在代码中硬编码我的开发项目的输出文件夹。 (如果有人知道我如何使用 Reflections 而无需在开发模式下设置输出文件夹,那也将受到高度赞赏)。
I am using the Reflections library in the Eclipse plug-in I am currently developing.
Apparently everything is fine when the plug-in is deployed as a bundle in Eclipse (i.e., its jar is dropped in the plugins folder of Eclipse), but when the plug-in is executed during development (Run As/Eclipse Application), I need to add to the search paths of the Reflections library the output folder (e.g., 'bin') from the project where the plug-in was executed.
Then my question is if there a way to know, at plug-in activation time, the following:
- if the plugin has been deployed as a bundle, or if it has been executed in the context of another Eclipse instance
- the output directory of the project from where the plugin was launched (in case of the plug-in being executed from another Eclipse instance). So I could add that output directory to the Reflections library.
This is rather more a hack than an ideal solution, but it is the only workaround that has occurred to me until now to make Reflections work properly, given that I do not want to hardcode the output folder of my development project in the code. (if someone knows how I could use Reflections without having to set the output folder when in developing mode, that would be highly appreciated also).
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您可能需要研究 PDE 如何与 JDT 配合使用来创建运行时 Eclipse。我知道当它从工作区启动 Eclipse 时,它会设置一个 -dev 选项,其中包含额外的 bin/类路径。它也可能设置一些标志或属性。
请参阅 PDE指南。
You might have to investigate how PDE works with JDT to create a runtime eclipse. I know when it launches an eclipse from a workspace, it sets a -dev option that includes extra bin/ classpaths. It might set some flags or properties as well.
See PDE Guide.