测试 - 最低规格的 Android 设备
我想在最低规格的 Android 设备上进行测试,但我不知道哪个设备是
屏幕小于 160dpi、内存小于 256mb、屏幕小于 3.5 英寸的设备。
使用 Android 2.2+
我已经在维基百科上看到了列表,但他们没有提到有多少 RAM。并且没有专门过滤 2.2+ 的好方法
乍一看,低端设备似乎已被 2.2 淘汰,但考虑到 Android 设备的数量,这可能是一个谬论。
如今,“山寨”设备拥有 512mb 内存,这一事实进一步加剧了这一情况,但不起眼的廉价运营商可能仍然有一些我从未听说过的奇怪设备,
请列出运行 2.2+ 或更高版本的低功耗设备。我使用过模拟器,但这并不能经常给我带来现实世界的结果。
I want to test on Android devices with the lowest specs but I don't know which device that is
A device with less than 160dpi screen, less than 256mb RAM, less than 3.5 inch screen.
and using Android 2.2+
I have seen the lists on wikipedia but they don't mention how much RAM. and there is no good way to specifically filter 2.2+
At first glance it seems as if the low-end devices have been weeded out by 2.2 but this is probably a fallacy given the number of android devices.
This is further compounded by the fact that "knockoff" devices have 512mb ram these days, but the obscure budget carriers may still have some strange devices out there I've never heard of
please list low powered devices running 2.2+ or greater. I've used the emulator but this doesn't give me real world results too often.
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x10 mini 的最新 Android 更新是 2.1; Galaxy 3 有 2.2 更新,所以也许后者对您来说是一个很好的低端测试设备。
i usually use the following device for low end device compatibility tests:
the x10 mini's latest android update is 2.1; the galaxy 3 has a 2.2 update, so maybe the latter would be a good low end testing device for you.