如何在 C# 中正确使用 Julmars ITAPI3?
我用 C# 编写 TAPI 应用程序。我使用了 Julmar 的 ITAPI3 Wrapper。现在我可以让软件打电话了。然而,保存调用的数组并未填充。我不确定这是包装器本身内部的问题还是我做错了什么。当我使用 julmar 的 TAPI Soft 电话(这是一个 C++ Tapi 应用程序)时,它确实可以正确地看到呼叫,并且我可以接听它们。它只是使用包装器,似乎看不到调用,并且 OnNewCall 事件不会触发。
即使使用 ITAPI3,Julmar 的示例也无法正常工作。
I programming a TAPI application in C#. I used the ITAPI3 Wrapper from Julmar. Now I can make the software make calls. However the array that holds calls that are there is not filling. I am not sure if this is a problem inside of the wrapper itself or if I am doing something wrong. When I used TAPI Soft phone from julmar, which is a C++ Tapi Application, it does see calls correctly and I can answer them. Its just using the wrapper it does not seem to see calls and the OnNewCall event does not fire.
Even Julmar's samples have not worked correctly for me using ITAPI3.
Anyone have any issues like this?
Thanks for your time!
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我也在 C# 中使用 TAPI。现在,我使用 julmar 的 ATAPI。这是链接。 http://atapi.codeplex.com/
I'm working with TAPI in C# too. Now, I'm using ATAPI by julmar. This is the link. http://atapi.codeplex.com/