使用 Rails 资产管道时选择性运行 javascript 的最佳方法是什么?
Rails 资产管道有其问题,但是连接所有 JS、缩小它并为其提供远期过期标头的好处是很难忽视的。
我的 Rails 应用程序中的许多 JS 都特定于单个操作。例如,我们有一个复杂的页面供员工输入客户订单。
在 Rails 3.1 之前,我将特定于操作的代码放在一个不同的 JS 文件中,仅在需要时才加载。现在我所有的JS都一直在服务。仅在需要时运行订单输入 JS 的最佳方法是什么?
目前我正在检查订单输入 DOM 元素,但这意味着 DOMready 上将运行许多不必要的函数。
下面是订单输入代码中的一段 CoffeeScript 片段,该模式在大约 20 个文件中重复出现。有更好的办法吗?
$ ->
window.app.draft = new app.DraftOrder()
@module 'app', ->
class @DraftOrder
constructor: ->
@items = $('table.draft-items tr')
return if @items.size() == 0
initEvents: ->
# foo
otherMethod: ->
# bar
The rails asset pipeline has it's issues, but the benefits of concatenating all my JS, minifying it and serving it with far-future expires headers are hard to ignore.
Lots of the JS in my rails app is specific to a single action. For example, we have a complex page for staff to enter customer orders.
pre rails 3.1, I had the action-specific code in a distinct JS file that was only loaded when needed. Now all my JS is served all the time. What's the best way to only run the order-entry JS when it's needed?
Currently I'm checking for the order-entry DOM elements, but that means there'll be lots of unnecessary functions running on DOMready.
Here's a snippet of coffeespcript from the order-entry code, and this pattern is repeated in about 20 files. Is there a better way?
$ ->
window.app.draft = new app.DraftOrder()
@module 'app', ->
class @DraftOrder
constructor: ->
@items = $('table.draft-items tr')
return if @items.size() == 0
initEvents: ->
# foo
otherMethod: ->
# bar
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我喜欢将页面特定的 JS 封装在闭包中,并在应用程序模板中插入代码,以便我有选择地执行它。
因此,“事件”控制器的页面特定 js 可能如下所示:
在我的应用程序模板 (application.html.erb) 中,我添加:
然后,在 application.js 中(假设您使用 jQuery):
这具有额外的优点为所有页面特定的 JS 提供一种穷人的命名空间。
可能有一种更惯用的rails/javascript 方法可以做到这一点;我主要不是 JS 程序员,但我正在学习非常喜欢这门语言......
I like to wrap my page-specific JS in a closure, and insert code in my application template that lets me selectively execute it.
so, my page-specific js for an "Events" controller might look like:
in my application template (application.html.erb), I add:
then, in application.js (assuming you use jQuery):
This has the additional advantage of giving a sort of poor-man's namespacing to all of your page-specific JS.
There's probably a more idiomatic rails/javascript way to do this; I'm not primarily a JS programmer but I am learning to like the language quite a bit...
它仅包含您的所有 javascript 文件,因为您的
),那么您可以在其中放置要“自动包含”的文件。您可以在Rails 指南中了解更多相关信息。例如,您的 application.js 文件可能如下所示:然后,您可能有一个 order_entry.js 文件,其中只包含您想要的代码。当然,您可以像以前一样链接到这些:
:It is including all of your javascript files only because you have this line in your
file:If you take that out, it will only include the files that you specifically require. If you specify the name of a folder (rather than
), then you can have a spot where you put files that you want to be 'auto-included'. You can read more about this in the Rails Guides. For example, your application.js file could look like this:Then, you could have an order_entry.js file that just has the code you want in it. Of course, you link to these the same way you used to:
:For your new