汇编语言中从 00 到 99 的计数器

发布于 2024-12-19 15:41:17 字数 2845 浏览 5 评论 0原文


因为不可能同时显示两个7段,所以我的解决方案是显示十位(0),显示个数(0),显示十位(0),显示一(1),显示十位( 0),显示一(2),显示十(0),显示一(3)等。我这样做的方法是有两个循环(一个用于十位数字,一个用于个位数字),通过大批。一旦个位循环遍历整个数组,循环就会中断并返回到十位数字循环,将十位数字移动到下一个元素,然后返回到个位数字循环,

    MSB_Display     equ     $0B ; display on 'tens' digit/second most right of 7-Seg
    LSB_Display     equ     $07 ; display on 'ones' digit/most right of 7-Seg

    D_1MS           equ     24000 / 6

    DelayVal        equ     35      ; 35 ms delay simulates both Hex Displays on at once

                    org     $1000
    ;                             Lookup table for LED segments
    array           db      $3F,$06,$5B,$4F,$66,$6D,$7C,$07,$7F,$6F
    ;                        0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9

    ; Memory Reserved for Delay Routine
    DCount          ds      1
    Counter         ds      1
    countones       db      0
    counttens       db      0

            org     $2000           ; Program starts here
            lds     #$2000          ; Initalize the stack

    ; Configure Hardware
            ldaa    #$FF
            staa    DDRB            ; Make PORTB output
            staa    DDRP            ; PTP as Output

            clr     countones       ; clear count back to 0
            clr     counttens
        ldx     #array

            ldaa    1,x+
            staa    PORTB
            ldaa    #MSB_Display
            staa    PTP             ; turn off 7-segment display
            bsr     Delay_ms
            inc     counttens
            ldaa    counttens
            cmpa    #10
            bne     LSB

            ldy     #array
        ldab    1,y+
            stab    PORTB
            ldab    #LSB_Display
            stab    PTP
            bsr     Delay_ms
            inc     countones
            ldaa    countones
            cmpa    #10
            bne     LSB

            bra     MSB

                    ldaa   #DelayVal        ; Number of msec to delay
                    staa    DCount          ; store delay counter
                    ldaa    DCount          ; delay Dcount ms
                    staa    Counter
            Delay1  ldy     #D_1MS          ; 6000 x 4 = 24,000 cycles = 1ms
            Delay2  dey                     ; this instruction takes 1 cycle
                    bne     Delay2          ; this instruction takes 3 cycles
                    dec     Counter
                    bne     Delay1          ; not Dcount ms yet, delay again
                    pula                    ; Restore contents of ACC A before returning


Basically my task is to make the counter on a micro controller board count from 00-99 continuously using assembly language.

because it is not possible to show two 7-Seg to display at the same time, my solution is to display the tens(0), display ones(0), display tens(0), display one(1), display tens(0), display one(2), display tens(0), display one(3), etc. my approach to doing this is to have two loops (one for the tens digit, one for the ones digit) that goes through an array. once the ones digit loop have gone through the entire array, the loop breaks and goes back to the tens digit loop, move the tens digit to the next element, then back to the ones digit loop

    MSB_Display     equ     $0B ; display on 'tens' digit/second most right of 7-Seg
    LSB_Display     equ     $07 ; display on 'ones' digit/most right of 7-Seg

    D_1MS           equ     24000 / 6

    DelayVal        equ     35      ; 35 ms delay simulates both Hex Displays on at once

                    org     $1000
    ;                             Lookup table for LED segments
    array           db      $3F,$06,$5B,$4F,$66,$6D,$7C,$07,$7F,$6F
    ;                        0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9

    ; Memory Reserved for Delay Routine
    DCount          ds      1
    Counter         ds      1
    countones       db      0
    counttens       db      0

            org     $2000           ; Program starts here
            lds     #$2000          ; Initalize the stack

    ; Configure Hardware
            ldaa    #$FF
            staa    DDRB            ; Make PORTB output
            staa    DDRP            ; PTP as Output

            clr     countones       ; clear count back to 0
            clr     counttens
        ldx     #array

            ldaa    1,x+
            staa    PORTB
            ldaa    #MSB_Display
            staa    PTP             ; turn off 7-segment display
            bsr     Delay_ms
            inc     counttens
            ldaa    counttens
            cmpa    #10
            bne     LSB

            ldy     #array
        ldab    1,y+
            stab    PORTB
            ldab    #LSB_Display
            stab    PTP
            bsr     Delay_ms
            inc     countones
            ldaa    countones
            cmpa    #10
            bne     LSB

            bra     MSB

                    ldaa   #DelayVal        ; Number of msec to delay
                    staa    DCount          ; store delay counter
                    ldaa    DCount          ; delay Dcount ms
                    staa    Counter
            Delay1  ldy     #D_1MS          ; 6000 x 4 = 24,000 cycles = 1ms
            Delay2  dey                     ; this instruction takes 1 cycle
                    bne     Delay2          ; this instruction takes 3 cycles
                    dec     Counter
                    bne     Delay1          ; not Dcount ms yet, delay again
                    pula                    ; Restore contents of ACC A before returning

right now it seems like the program enters the ones digit loop (LSB) and sits there, it does not exit that loop nor does it reloop itself. I can't seem to find whats wrong in the logic of my program

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梦回旧景 2024-12-26 15:41:17



         'tens' = 0
loop10   'ones' = 0
loop1    display 'tens'
         display 'ones'
         inc 'ones'
         goto loop1 if 'ones' less than 10
         inc 'tens'
         goto loop10 if 'tens' less than 10

这是执行此操作的一种方法(调整延迟值 - 35 毫秒看起来很快...):

MSB_Display     equ     $0B ; display on 'tens' digit/second most right of 7-Seg
LSB_Display     equ     $07 ; display on 'ones' digit/most right of 7-Seg

D_1MS           equ     24000 / 6

DelayVal        equ     35      ; 35 ms delay simulates both Hex Displays on at once

                org     $1000
;                             Lookup table for LED segments
array           db      $3F,$06,$5B,$4F,$66,$6D,$7C,$07,$7F,$6F
;                        0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9

; Memory Reserved for Delay Routine
DCount          ds      1
Counter         ds      1
countones       db      0
counttens       db      0

        org     $2000           ; Program starts here
        lds     #$2000          ; Initalize the stack

; Configure Hardware
        ldaa    #$FF
        staa    DDRB            ; Make PORTB output
        staa    DDRP            ; PTP as Output

        clr     counttens       ; 'tens' = 0
        ldx     #array          ; x will point to 'tens'

MSB     clr     countones       ; 'ones' = 0
        ldy     #array          ; y will point to 'ones'
                                ; at every start of 'tens' cycle
        ldaa    x               ; Set value of 'tens' display
                                ; Do not use 1,x+ here
                                ; You don't want to increment 'tens'
                                ; every time you display 'ones'
        staa    PORTB
        ldaa    #MSB_Display
        staa    PTP             ; turn on 'tens' 7-segment display
        bsr     Delay_ms        ; let it be lit for a while

        ldab    1,y+            ; set value of 'ones' display (and increment it)
        stab    PORTB
        ldab    #LSB_Display
        stab    PTP             ; turn on 'ones' 7-segment display
        bsr     Delay_ms        ; let it be lit for a while

        inc     countones
        ldaa    countones
        cmpa    #10
        bne     LSB

        inx                     ; now increment 'tens'
        inc     counttens
        ldaa    counttens
        cmpa    #10
        bne     MSB

        bra     start           ; start from '00'

        ldaa   #DelayVal        ; Number of msec to delay
        staa    Counter
Delay1  ldy     #D_1MS          ; 6000 x 4 = 24,000 cycles = 1ms
Delay2  dey                     ; this instruction takes 1 cycle
        bne     Delay2          ; this instruction takes 3 cycles
        dec     Counter
        bne     Delay1          ; not Dcount ms yet, delay again
        puly                    ; Restore contents of ACC A before returning


Pulling from stack should be done in reverse order from putting on stack.
As Ira pointed out you got your counters mixed up...

You should think of 'displaying two digit number' as a separate thing from increasing some counter in a loop.
Displaying is simple switching 'active' output with a time delay, and setting correct digit value for each display cycle.

         'tens' = 0
loop10   'ones' = 0
loop1    display 'tens'
         display 'ones'
         inc 'ones'
         goto loop1 if 'ones' less than 10
         inc 'tens'
         goto loop10 if 'tens' less than 10

Here is one way of doing this (adjust delay value - 35ms looks to fast...):

MSB_Display     equ     $0B ; display on 'tens' digit/second most right of 7-Seg
LSB_Display     equ     $07 ; display on 'ones' digit/most right of 7-Seg

D_1MS           equ     24000 / 6

DelayVal        equ     35      ; 35 ms delay simulates both Hex Displays on at once

                org     $1000
;                             Lookup table for LED segments
array           db      $3F,$06,$5B,$4F,$66,$6D,$7C,$07,$7F,$6F
;                        0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9

; Memory Reserved for Delay Routine
DCount          ds      1
Counter         ds      1
countones       db      0
counttens       db      0

        org     $2000           ; Program starts here
        lds     #$2000          ; Initalize the stack

; Configure Hardware
        ldaa    #$FF
        staa    DDRB            ; Make PORTB output
        staa    DDRP            ; PTP as Output

        clr     counttens       ; 'tens' = 0
        ldx     #array          ; x will point to 'tens'

MSB     clr     countones       ; 'ones' = 0
        ldy     #array          ; y will point to 'ones'
                                ; at every start of 'tens' cycle
        ldaa    x               ; Set value of 'tens' display
                                ; Do not use 1,x+ here
                                ; You don't want to increment 'tens'
                                ; every time you display 'ones'
        staa    PORTB
        ldaa    #MSB_Display
        staa    PTP             ; turn on 'tens' 7-segment display
        bsr     Delay_ms        ; let it be lit for a while

        ldab    1,y+            ; set value of 'ones' display (and increment it)
        stab    PORTB
        ldab    #LSB_Display
        stab    PTP             ; turn on 'ones' 7-segment display
        bsr     Delay_ms        ; let it be lit for a while

        inc     countones
        ldaa    countones
        cmpa    #10
        bne     LSB

        inx                     ; now increment 'tens'
        inc     counttens
        ldaa    counttens
        cmpa    #10
        bne     MSB

        bra     start           ; start from '00'

        ldaa   #DelayVal        ; Number of msec to delay
        staa    Counter
Delay1  ldy     #D_1MS          ; 6000 x 4 = 24,000 cycles = 1ms
Delay2  dey                     ; this instruction takes 1 cycle
        bne     Delay2          ; this instruction takes 3 cycles
        dec     Counter
        bne     Delay1          ; not Dcount ms yet, delay again
        puly                    ; Restore contents of ACC A before returning

It would be even better to have display code in a separate routine, and to switch active display more than once per counter increase. That could be a nice exercise for you :)

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