在 ASP.net MVC 中显示没有控制器或操作的文件夹中的视图
例如www.site.com/Home/Index,如果我有正常的默认路由{controller}/{action}/{id},那么我需要一个带有方法Index的HomeController。 Views 文件夹中有一个名为 Home 的文件夹和文件 Index.cshtml
如果我尝试 www.site.com/About/Index 我需要创建 AboutController 和方法索引。 但我只有 About 文件夹和 Index.cshtml 文件。
我希望如果默认路由不匹配,但我在 Views 文件夹中有一个文件夹和一个文件与模式匹配: {controller} 是文件夹 {action} 是视图;然后显示该视图。
I would like to display the view in the folder if no controller/action matches.
For example www.site.com/Home/Index, if I have the normal default route {controller}/{action}/{id} then I need a HomeController with method Index.
And there is a folder in Views folder called Home and the file Index.cshtml
If i try www.site.com/About/Index i need to create the AboutController and the method index.
But I have just the folder About and file Index.cshtml.
I would like that if the default route does not match but I have a Folder and a File in the Views folder that match the patern: {controller} is the folder {action} is the view; then that view is displayed.
How could I achive that?
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对于缺少的操作,您可以覆盖 HandleUnknownAction。
对于缺少的控制器,您可以实现自定义 DefaultControllerFactory 并使用类似的内容覆盖 GetControllerInstance这:
For missing actions you can override HandleUnknownAction.
For missing controllers you can implement a custom DefaultControllerFactory and override GetControllerInstance with something like this:
我最近在开发 AJAX Web 应用程序时遇到了同样的问题,其中大多数页面实际上不需要控制器(所有数据都通过 Web API 调用返回)。
让数十个控制器都通过单个操作返回视图似乎效率低下,因此我开发了 ControllerLess 插件,其中包含一个具有单个操作的默认视图控制器。
如果您为视图创建一个控制器,那么 MVC 将使用它。但是,如果您创建没有控制器的视图,则请求将通过默认插件控制器重新路由。
它适用于 C# 和 VB.NET,我们可以在 https://www.nuget.org/packages/ControllerLess 获取
源代码也可在 GitHub 上获取:https://github.com/brentj73/ControllerLess
I came across the same issue recently while developing AJAX web applications where most of the pages don't actually need a controller (all the data is returned via Web API calls).
It seemed inefficient to have dozens of controllers all with a single action returning the view so I developed the ControllerLess plugin which includes a default view controller behind the scenes with a single action.
If you create a controller for your view, then MVC will use that. However, if you create a view without a controller, the request is re-routed via the default plugin controller.
It works with C# and VB.NET and us available at https://www.nuget.org/packages/ControllerLess
The source code is also available on GitHub at https://github.com/brentj73/ControllerLess
你不能也不应该按照你想要的方式去做。视图无法通过设计来寻址(在 /views 文件夹中的 web.config 中,有一个映射到 * 的 HttpNotFoundHandler 以确保这一点)
You cannot and shouldn't the way you want. Views cannot be addressed by design (in the web.config in the /views folder theres an HttpNotFoundHandler mapped to * to ensure this)
With that said, what you want here is not really standard so why do you want to do this, maybe we can come up with a better suggestion based on the reason behind this?
从来没有尝试过这个,但这里有一个想法。您可以为路线设置约束,因此您应该能够创建一个与“{folder}/{file}”匹配的路线,您可以将它们限制为有效值(您可以在谷歌上搜索这个,或者在SO上搜索她),然后设置它以一些默认操作在 FileController(任意名称)上运行。然后,在该操作中,只需返回所需的视图即可。像这样的东西:
Never tried this, but here's a thought. You can setup constraints for the routes, and thus you should be able to create a route matching "{folder}/{file}" where you constraint them to valid values (you can google this, or seach her on SO), and set it to run on a FileController (arbitrary name) with some default action. Then, in that action, simply return the desired view. Something like: