Facebook 相册名称和墙贴的最大长度?
Facebook 上允许的相册名称和墙贴的最大长度是多少? PHP SDK会自动修剪它吗?
What's the maximum length for an album name and a wall post allowed on Facebook? Will the PHP SDK automatically trim it?
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Facebook 的 api 将负责截断任意长度的数据。该 API 仅限制数据类型,例如字符串和整数。
话虽这么说,如果您没有帐户,就很难为 Facebook 进行开发,如果不是简单地访问文档、注册 API 密钥、或者只是进行简单的测试。您可以创建一个虚拟帐户,并且不公开任何内容。
Facebook's api will take care of truncating any length of data. The api only limits you to data types, as in strings and integers.
That being said, it is very hard to develop for Facebook if you do not have an account, if not simply to access the documentation, or register for and API key, or just plain testing things out. You can create a dummy account, and have nothing public.
Hope this helps.