plone.outputfilters 可以安全地与哪些版本的 Plone 一起使用?
我正在编写一个 Plone 产品,我想在编写和显示给用户之间通过 Richtext 字段修改 HTML 输出,其方式类似于应用的现有转换,例如更新由Kupu/TinyMCE 在向用户显示之前已更新。
对于这一点, plone.outputfilters 看起来很完美。然而,这个网站是 Plone 4.0,我不确定它在 4.1 之前的 Plone 版本中使用是否安全。
plone.outputfilters 在 Plone 4.0.x 中使用安全吗?如果没有,是否有一种标准方法来注入我自己的转换(看起来我可以采用与 plone.outputfilters 类似的方法)?
更新:根据 Giacomo 的建议,我在开发 Plone 4.0.10 实例中尝试了这一点,它似乎工作正常。
I'm writing a Plone product where I'd like to modify the HTML output by richtext fields between its being authored and being shown to a user---in a way similar to the existing transforms applied such as updating the resolveuid links inserted by Kupu/TinyMCE are updated before being shown to a user.
For this, plone.outputfilters looks perfect. However, the site this is for is Plone 4.0, and I'm not sure that it's safe for use in versions of Plone prior to 4.1.
Is plone.outputfilters safe for use in Plone 4.0.x? If not, is there a standard way to inject my own transform (it looks like I could take a similar approach to plone.outputfilters)?
Update: On Giacomo's advice, I have tried this out in a development Plone 4.0.10 instance and it appears to work fine.
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当我第一次编写它时,我小心翼翼地让它与 Plone 3 一起工作。从那时起我就没有密切关注过它。但测试覆盖率相当不错,因此请尝试为初学者运行测试。
I took care to make it work with Plone 3 when I first wrote it. I haven't been keeping close tabs on it since then. But the test coverage is pretty good, so try running the tests for starters.
快速查看该产品的代码后,发现 Plone 4.0.x 似乎是安全的。查看变更日志(“尊重 Python 2.4 和 Python 2.6 中的实现差异”),可以说它也兼容 Plone 3.x,所以我非常有信心您不会遇到麻烦。
无论如何,完成任务的更有效方法是首先在开发环境中测试该产品,然后就特定错误寻求帮助,因为在 90% 的情况下,如果该产品可以添加到您的构建中而不引发异常,那么它是兼容的。
After a rapid peek to the product's code it seems safe for Plone 4.0.x. Looking at the Changelog ("Respect implementation differences in Python 2.4 and Python 2.6") one could say that it's also Plone 3.x compatible, so I'm quite confident that you won't have troubles.
Anyway a more efficient approach to your task would have been to test that product in a development environment first and then ask for help on specific errors because in 90% of cases if the product can be added to your buildout without throwing exceptions then it's compatible.