我们可以在 ScrollView 上自定义滚动条吗?
我希望我的滚动条更加可见,并且像 ListViews 的 fastScroll 一样可控。不幸的是,ScrollView 上没有 setFastScrollEnabled(true) 。
\o/ 欢迎回答我的前两个问题:
如何在 ScrollView 上激活快速滚动?
然后我想到了另一个想法:添加滚动条上的按钮和指示器,如 goToTop 和 goToBottom、进度条等……因此,使这个小栏成为用户的人体工学工具。 (例如可扩展的上下文菜单)
如何添加按钮并 setOnClickListener 这个新的 ScrollBar?
在左侧: ScrollView 上的 FastScroll
右侧:ScrollView 上的 ErgonomicScrollBar
I'd like to make a custom scrollbar for one of my scrollview, and impossible to find how to do.
I want my scrollbar to be more visible, and controllable like the fastScroll of the ListViews. Unfortunately there is no setFastScrollEnabled(true) on the ScrollView.
\o/ So say welcome to my two first questions :
How to change the scrollbar appearence?
How to activate fast scrolling on a ScrollView?
Then another idea come to me : adding buttons and indicators on the scrollbar, as a goToTop and a goToBottom, a progressBar, etc... and so making this little bar an ergonomic tool for users. (for exemple a expandable contextual menu)
So if the first questions have good answers, I've a second step question :
How to add buttons and setOnClickListener this new ScrollBar?
To illustrate it :
On the left : FastScroll on ScrollView
On the right : ErgonomicScrollBar on ScrollView
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