使用 Route-me RMMapView 将图钉添加到离线地图
我正在使用 https://github.com/route-me/route 中找到的route-me 文件-me 为 iPhone 构建离线地图应用程序。 我让地图离线工作,并且还成功实现了“当前位置”按钮,该按钮将用标记在地图上显示用户位置。
现在,我希望能够让用户能够在地图上放置“图钉”,以便用户可以获得用户刚刚在地图上放置的“图钉”的坐标。 (与当前位置分开)
我尝试在 Google 上查找教程和其他有用的文档,但我找到的所有信息都使用 MapKit 库和框架 如果你们中有人是route-me 和使用 RMMapView 制作离线地图的专家,如果你们能帮助我那就太好了。
I am using the route-me files found at https://github.com/route-me/route-me to build a offline map application for iPhones.
I have the map working offline and also successfully implemented "current location" button that will show the users location on the map with a marker.
Now, I want to be able to let the users be able to drop "pins" on the map so that users can get the coordinates of the "pins" that user just dropped on the map. (separate from the current location)
I have tried to look for tutorials and other helpful documents on Google but all the information that I've found are using the MapKit lib and framework
If any of you are expert on route-me and using RMMapView to make offline maps, it would be awesome if you guys can help me out.
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为了在 RMMapview 上放置图钉,这是创建 RMMapview 后在 - (void)viewDidLoad 中使用的必需代码片段
For droping pins on RMMapview , this is required snippet of code used in - (void)viewDidLoad after creating RMMapview