magento 时事通讯
我在这里有三个关于 Magento 时事通讯系统的相关问题 - 如果可以的话,它们在一篇文章中。我认为这样做是合适的,但请随意分解它们。
1) 我的客户只需要能够偶尔从 magento 发送新闻通讯。这样的情况一年只会发生几次。我是否还需要为此设置一个 cron 作业,并且没有办法只“按发送”吗?我问的原因是,当她决定发送时事通讯时,她希望立即发送,而不必等待;那么这是否意味着我需要执行一个 cron 作业,例如每小时 24-7 执行一次,以便在她发送后 60 分钟内发送新闻通讯,或者我是否误解了整个系统?
2)我的新闻通讯模板页面上没有看到队列按钮。我正在运行1.6。它是否丢失或隐藏,或者我是否需要做其他事情来实际为 cron 排队时事通讯?我看到有人正在修改 app/code/core/Mage/Newsletter/etc/config.xml 但这对我来说没有多大用处,因为它肯定会在下一次更新中被覆盖。
3)有人可以向我解释一下为什么只有模板的位置而没有新闻通讯本身的位置。通常,我之前使用过的新闻通讯软件(例如 phplist 或 mailchimp)有一个用于模板创建的位置(这通常由开发人员完成),然后当客户想要发送新的新闻通讯时,他们只需将内容添加到本质上的空白处 - 但是magento 似乎将两者放在一起,并奇怪地将它们标记为模板,但这根本不是它的本质。有人可以解释这背后的逻辑或指出我缺少什么吗?我不想向我的客户解释他们只需要删除以前的新闻通讯中的内容并用新内容替换它。
I have three related questions here regarding the Magento newsletter system - they are in the one post if that's OK. I thought it was appropriate do but feel free to break them up.
1) My client will only need to be able to send out an occasional newsletter from magento. This would only be a few times a year. Do I still need to set up a cron job for that and is there no way to just "Press Send"? The reason I ask is that when she does decide to send the newsletter she'd want it to send straight away, and not have to wait; so would that mean that I'd need to have a cron job executing for instance every hour 24-7 just to get a newsletter to send within 60 minutes of her sending it, or am I misunderstanding the entire system ?
2)There is no queue button on my newsletter template page that I can see. I am running 1.6. Is it missing or hidden or do I need to do something else to actually queue the newsletter for the cron ? I see someone is modifying app/code/core/Mage/Newsletter/etc/config.xml but this is not much use to me as it will be overwritten in the next update surely.
3)Can someone explain to me why there is only a place for templates and yet no place for the newsletters themselves. Normally newsletter software that I've used before eg phplist or mailchimp has one spot for template creation ( which is often done by a developer) and then when the client wants to send a new newsletter they just add content to essentially the blank spaces - but magento seems to put the two together and strangely6 label them template, which is not what it is at all. Can someone explain the logic behind this or point out what I'm missing ? I dont want to have to explain to my client that they just need to delete the content from the previous newsletter and replace it with new content.
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1)不,没有办法只按“发送”。您必须让服务器通过 cron 作业发送它。
2) 队列按钮确实在那里,它隐藏在时事通讯模板页面的右侧 - 它与常规按钮不同,不,它是操作列下的下拉菜单 - 很好地隐藏了 Magento ;-) !!
Looks like I have the dubious honor of answering my own question:
1) No there's no way to just press "Send". You have to let the server send it via a cron job.
2) The queue button is indeed there it's hiding over on the right in the newsletter template page - it's not up with the regular buttons, no it's a drop down under the action column - nicely hidden Magento ;-) !!
3 )It seemingly does have both in a way, but it's not obvious. When you create a template and save it then you've got a template as you might expect; however when you choose the queue button from the dropdown it opens that template and you get to make changes to it before you queue it .... or at least that's how it looks to me at the moment anyhow.