The commands I list are for copying an EBS boot AMI from one region to another, but if you simply use the right commands with different accounts instead of different regions, you can accomplish your goal. Note that you'll have to upload your personal ssh key to both accounts following these instructions:
Copying S3 based AMIs from one account to another is a bit convoluted and involves commands like:
(switch accounts)
Alternatively, you hopefully documented the exact steps you took to create the original AMIs. Simply follow these instructions to create the AMIs in the new account.
You can also share the AMIs with your other account. Then launch instances on the new account and create AMIs that will then be associated with the new account.
您可以使用我在此处介绍的技术将 EBS 启动 AMI 从一个 EC2 帐户复制到另一个帐户:
我列出的命令用于将 EBS 启动 AMI 从一个区域复制到另一个区域,但如果您只需对不同帐户而不是不同区域使用正确的命令,就可以实现您的目标。请注意,您必须按照以下说明将您的个人 ssh 密钥上传到两个帐户:
将基于 S3 的 AMI 从一个帐户复制到另一个帐户有点复杂,涉及以下命令:
或者,您希望记录创建原始 AMI 所采取的确切步骤。只需按照这些说明即可在新账户中创建 AMI。
You can copy an EBS boot AMI from one EC2 account to another using the technique I wrote about here:
The commands I list are for copying an EBS boot AMI from one region to another, but if you simply use the right commands with different accounts instead of different regions, you can accomplish your goal. Note that you'll have to upload your personal ssh key to both accounts following these instructions:
Copying S3 based AMIs from one account to another is a bit convoluted and involves commands like:
Alternatively, you hopefully documented the exact steps you took to create the original AMIs. Simply follow these instructions to create the AMIs in the new account.
您还可以与其他账户共享 AMI。然后在新账户上启动实例并创建将与新账户关联的 AMI。
You can also share the AMIs with your other account. Then launch instances on the new account and create AMIs that will then be associated with the new account.