
发布于 2024-12-18 13:00:24 字数 1395 浏览 8 评论 0原文

我正在开发一个项目,其中我的数据库中存储有纬度和经度坐标的位置。我使用 Google 地图将这些地点绘制为地图上的标记。我不想在地图上绘制任何“不可见”标记(当前视口/边界框之外的标记)。因此,我遵循Google 关于视口标记管理的建议

我有一个可行的解决方案,只要地图的视口发生变化,我就使用 AJAX 来查询 ASP.NET Web 服务。此 Web 服务调用我的 MSSQL 数据库中的存储过程来获取具有当前视口/边界框内坐标的所有位置。存储过程如下所示:

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.GetPlacesInsideBoundingBox

    @swLat VarChar(11), /* south-west point latitude */
    @swLng VarChar(11), /* south-west point longitude */
    @neLat VarChar(11), /* north-east point latitude */
    @neLng VarChar(11) /* north-east point longitude */

    /* SET NOCOUNT ON */

    SELECT * FROM dbo.Place WHERE 
    place_lat >= CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @swLat) 
    AND place_lat <= CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @neLat) 
    AND place_lng >= CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @swLng)  
    AND place_lng <= CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @neLng)


这很好用!但我读到,如果经度为负值(本初子午线以西),则可能会遇到问题,简单的解决方案是在经度为负值时将 360 添加到经度上。


  1. 如何更改我的存储过程(上面)以考虑负面影响 经度?

  2. 我还应该考虑对此进行任何其他修改吗 存储过程以使其万无一失?

如果您想知道从 VarChar 到 Decimal 的转换,我发现在客户端 (javascript) 使用简单字符串,然后在需要进行计算时在我的存储过程中将它们转换为十进制数字要容易得多。


I'm working on a project where I have places with latitude and longitude coordinates stored in my database. I use Google Maps to plot these places as markers on a map. I don't want to plot any "invisible" markers (markers outside the current viewport/bounding box) to the map. Therefore I follow Googles advice regarding viewport marker management.

I have a working solution where i use AJAX to query an ASP.NET web service whenever the viewport of my map has changed. This web service calls a stored procedure in my MSSQL database to get all places that have coordinates that are inside the current viewport/bounding box. The stored procedure looks like this:

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.GetPlacesInsideBoundingBox

    @swLat VarChar(11), /* south-west point latitude */
    @swLng VarChar(11), /* south-west point longitude */
    @neLat VarChar(11), /* north-east point latitude */
    @neLng VarChar(11) /* north-east point longitude */

    /* SET NOCOUNT ON */

    SELECT * FROM dbo.Place WHERE 
    place_lat >= CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @swLat) 
    AND place_lat <= CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @neLat) 
    AND place_lng >= CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @swLng)  
    AND place_lng <= CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @neLng)

The parameters that are sent to the stored procedure are simply the latitude and longitude of the south-west and the north-east corners of the viewport/bounding box. Then I compare these points with the longitude and latitude values stored in my database to see which places are inside the current viewport/bounding box.

This works fine! But I read that you can run into problems if you have a negative value for the longitude (west of the Prime Meridian) and that the simple solution was to add 360 to the longitude if it was negative.

I have two questions:

  1. How do I alter my stored procedure (above) to take into account negative

  2. Are there any other modifications I should consider making to this
    stored procedure to make it foolproof?

If you are wondering about the conversion from VarChar to Decimal, I found it much easier to work with simple strings on the client side (javascript) and then convert them to decimal numbers in my stored procedure when I needed to do the calculations.

Thanks in advance!

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最单纯的乌龟 2024-12-25 13:00:24

1)经度通常应该在-180到180之间,所以只需检查谷歌的坐标是否满足这个条件。可能是的。如果不是,只需通过加或减 360 将它们规范化到此区间内。在调用存储过程之前对它们进行规范化。

2) 通常@swLng <= @neLng,但您还必须处理@swLng >的情况; @neLng。因此,在您的存储过程中,您的经度条件将如下所示:

    (CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @swLng) <= CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @neLng)
        AND place_lng >= CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @swLng) 
        AND place_lng <= CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @neLng)
    (CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @swLng) > CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @neLng)
        AND (place_lng >= CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @swLng) 
             OR place_lng <= CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @neLng))

PS:请注意,您可能应该使用像 PostGIS 这样的 GIS,这样才能真正高效:) 我本来打算解决这个问题,但我仍然推迟了“直到我拥有 GIS”。你启发了我,也许我也会寻求这个解决方案。

PS:我不确定您的数据库引擎如何优化,但我想如果您将纬度和经度定义为索引,那么为了提高效率,它可能会有所帮助 - 以便它可以更快地解决问题。但我一点也不确定。

1) Longitude normaly should be between -180 to 180 so just check if the coordinates from google fulfil this condition. Probably yes. If not, just normalize them to be within this interval by adding or subtracting 360. Normalize them before you call the stored procedure.

2) Normally @swLng <= @neLng, but you must also handle the case @swLng > @neLng. So inside your stored procedure, your longitude condition would look like:

    (CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @swLng) <= CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @neLng)
        AND place_lng >= CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @swLng) 
        AND place_lng <= CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @neLng)
    (CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @swLng) > CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @neLng)
        AND (place_lng >= CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @swLng) 
             OR place_lng <= CONVERT(Decimal(11,8), @neLng))

P.S.: Note that you should probably use GIS like PostGIS for this to be really efficient :) I was about to solve this problem but I still postponed it "until I have a GIS". You inspired me and maybe I'll go for this solution too.

P.S.: I'm not sure how your database engine optimizes but I guess for increased efficiency it might help if you define latitude and longitude as indexes - so that it can solve the condition faster. But I'm not sure at all.

吹梦到西洲 2024-12-25 13:00:24

事实上我找到了更好的解决方案。 SQL Server 具有用于处理空间数据的内置数据类型。因此,我向表中添加了一个新值,并将其命名为 place_geo,数据类型为 geography。然后我用地理点填充它(根据数据库中已有的纬度和经度创建)。当我将点作为地理点存储在数据库中时,存储过程的语法变得更加简单,而且我还认为它的执行速度会快得多。


ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.GetPlaceClosestToMe
    @my_lat Decimal(11,8),
    @my_lng Decimal(11,8)
    DECLARE @my_point geography;
    SET @my_point = geography::Point(@my_lat, @my_lng , 4326); /* SRID 4326 */

        @my_point.STDistance(place_geo)/1000 [Distance in km]
FROM Places
ORDER BY @my_point.STDistance(place_geo)

首先,我获取经度和纬度作为十进制格式的输入参数。我声明了一个数据类型为“geography”的新变量 (@my_point)。然后,我将一个新的地理点分配给我刚刚使用经度和纬度输入参数创建的变量。

然后我询问数据库表 (place_geo) 中最接近 @my_point 的点。 (STDistance 返回两种地理类型之间的最短线。)除以 1000 即可得到以公里表示的距离。

如果你希望它返回多个结果,只需更改选择:SELECT TOP 5 或 SELECT TOP 10。




Actually I found a better solution. SQL Server has built-in data types for working with spatial data. So I added a new value to my table and called it place_geo with the data type geography. Then I populated it with geography points (created from the latitudes and longitudes I already had in the database). When I had the points stored as geography points in my database, the stored procedure becomes much simpler in its syntax and I also think it will execute much faster.

Here is my stored procedure:

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.GetPlaceClosestToMe
    @my_lat Decimal(11,8),
    @my_lng Decimal(11,8)
    DECLARE @my_point geography;
    SET @my_point = geography::Point(@my_lat, @my_lng , 4326); /* SRID 4326 */

        @my_point.STDistance(place_geo)/1000 [Distance in km]
FROM Places
ORDER BY @my_point.STDistance(place_geo)

So what does it do?
First I get a longitude and a latitude as input parameters in decimal format. I declare a new variable (@my_point) that has the data type "geography". I then assign a new geography point to the variable I just created using the longitude and latitude input parameters.

Then I ask for the point in my database table (place_geo) that is closest to @my_point. (STDistance returns the shortest line between two geography types.) The division by 1000 is to get a distance expressed in kilometers.

If you want it to return several results, just alter the select: SELECT TOP 5 or SELECT TOP 10.

At the moment I don't have enough test data to test if this is faster than using the old method, but perhaps someone else have done some tests? I would guess that using the geography data type is much faster than the old method.

With my limited test data, the old stored procedure and this new stored procedure return the same results.

Hope you found this follow-up useful!

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