使用 Google Font API 有什么缺点吗?
我很确定我的网站不能在 IE6 上运行,不在乎。
I am pretty sure my site wont work with IE6, do not care.
I am looking for technical problems, Like slow,service is down many times etc.
I am not looking for subjective issues like "they have only lousy fonts" etc.
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我相信,如果您从 Google 获取字体(或任何内容),来自中国、伊朗和朝鲜的访问者将很难浏览您的网站。
除此之外,我根本没有注意到任何问题。事实上,与任何其他字体提供商相比,我衷心推荐它。如果你使用 Google loader,也可以异步完成
I believe that visitors from China, Iran and North Korea will have a tough time viewing your site if you're pulling fonts (or anything) from Google.
Their connection will likely time-out.
Apart from that, I've not noticed any issues at all. In fact I'd heartily recommend it over any other font provider. It can be done asynchronously too if you use Google loader
实际上 Internet Explorer 是第一个实现 @font-face 属性的浏览器,因此它应该可以工作到 IE5。实际上,唯一的缺点是一点额外的带宽和字体选择有些有限,但谷歌字体库已经变得相当大。
Actually internet explorer was the first browser to implement the @font-face attribute so it should work down to IE5. Really the only downsides are a little extra bandwidth and a somewhat limited selection of fonts, but the google font library has grown to be fairly large.
Google has a lot of servers all over the world, it's doubtful that their service would really ever be down.