OpenGL ES Frustum 之外的几何体是否也被渲染?
我正在使用 OpenGL ES 作为绘图 API 为 iPhone 开发一款游戏。我在一个绘图元素中绘制了整个大世界。根据截锥体,该对象是可见的。
I am developing a game for iPhone using OpenGL ES as drawing api. I am drawing a whole big world in a single draw element. The object is visible according to the frustum.
I want to know what happens to the other part of the object, Is it drawn? Does it affect the FPS?
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这对于 OpenGL 和 OpenGL ES 来说是相同的。您可以在 OpenGL ES 规范 中找到详细信息( 2.13 原始裁剪)或在 OpenGL 规范中(相同标题)。
For any vertex of the scene, the vertex shader has to be ran, so that their coordinates are transformed from model space to clip space.
After that, primitives which aren't contained in the clipping volume (which means that in clip space they're either outside of the screen or too far or too near) are clipped, so that they aren't processed further and pixel shader won't be ran for them.
This is the same for OpenGL and OpenGL ES. You can find the details in the OpenGL ES spec (2.13 Primitive Clipping) or in the OpenGL spec (same headline).
This means that having lots of geometry, of which most is outside of the frustum, will affect your rendering time a bit, but much less than if all the geometry was actually rendered. Only per-vertex transformations need to be done; rasterization and per-pixel operations (fragment shader, actual write to framebuffer) won't be executed for them.
This also implies that if you do many per-vertex operations and less per-pixel operations, then it may be more important to write an additional visibility tests for your scene.
OpenGL 处理您指定要绘制的所有图元。这就是为什么你必须自己决定画什么。这确实是一个难题,因为起点是这个。
OpenGL processes all primitives that you tell to draw. That's why you have to determine what to draw yourself. It is really hard problem, as the starting point read this.
考虑使用某种视锥体剔除:将场景划分为较小的部分或图块,并在绘制之前评估图块是否完全位于视锥体之外,从而仅绘制可以<的图块/em> 位于截锥体内。
The geometry pipeline transforms vertex coordinates to window coordinates; at that point out-of-window polygons can be discarded. But too many innecesary geometry is processed, and performance is hit.
Consider using some kind of frustum culling: divide your scene in smaller parts or tiles, and evaluate, before drawing, if the tile is fully outside the view frustum, thus drawing only tiles which could lay inside the frustum.
Even with a simple partition, the difference should be noticeable.