我有一个安装项目,其中涉及一台被黑的 iPad - 我希望有一个后台进程运行,记录所有触摸事件,无论前台运行什么应用程序,并通过 OSC 将它们发送出去。
请注意,这是使用具有 root 访问权限的越狱 iPad,并且用户将收到不要输入任何敏感数据的警告。但我不是 iOS 开发人员,所以我不确定这是否可能。我将不胜感激任何形式的意见/建议。
[编辑] 既然有人质疑我这个问题背后的动机,我会尝试解释一下:具体来说,我想用 Arduino 构建一个机械系统来模拟用户在 iPad 上的触摸输入,但我不这样做希望限制他们使用除了记录触摸事件之外不执行任何其他操作的应用程序。
I have an installation project in mind which involves a hacked iPad - I'd like to have a background process running recording all the touch events regardless of what app is running in the foreground, and send them out via OSC.
Note that this is using a jailbroken iPad with root access, and users will be alerted about not entering any sensitive data. But I'm not an iOS developer so I'm not sure if this is even possible. I'd appreciate any kind of input/suggestions.
[edit] Since someone questioned my motive behind this question, I'll try to explain a bit: to be specific, I'd like to build a mechanical system with Arduino that emulates the user's touch input on the iPad, but I do not want to limit them to using an app that does nothing else but recording touch events.
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子系统捕获所有触摸事件。这将为您完成大部分处理,您唯一需要做的就是使用 HID 客户端获取事件,获取它们的类型,如果它们是触摸事件,则获取它们的位置、半径和您需要的其他信息。MultitouchSupport
挂钩来挂钩 SpringBoard 内现有的 HID 客户端。There are three options:
subsystem to capture all the touch events. This will do most of the processing for you, the only thing you'll need to do is fetch the events using a HID client, get their types, and if they are touch events, get their position, radius and other things you need.MultitouchSupport
framework. This way you will have to process the digitizer data frames manually which is tricky.MobileSubstrate
hook to hook the already existing HID client inside SpringBoard.