如何制作包含 2 列数据表(包含 4 列)的超级图表
我制作了一个包含 4 列的数据表: Date 、 Data1 、 Data2 、 Data4 。我想知道如何在 XY ultrachart 中表示 Date 与 Data4 ?
I made a Datatable with 4 columns : Date , Data1, Data2, Data4 . I would like to know how to represent in an XY ultrachart Date versus Data4 ?
Thanks for your help
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查看示例浏览器: 链接 这里展示了如何制作带有 XY 轴的条形图。查看 C# 文件,其中显示了条形图如何进行数据存储和数据绑定 - 您的插入、删除函数应处理整行,更新和选择应仅包含所需的两列:) 尝试使用此示例作为指南。
Look at the sample browser: Link Here is shown how to make BarChart with XY axis. Look at the C# file where is show how the BarChart is datasorced and databound - your functions for insert, delete should handle the whole row, update and select should include only the desired two columns :) Try to use this sample as a guide.