PerlScript 发生了什么事?
我的 ActivePerl 文档 有一个部分专门讨论这个看似鲜为人知的问题技术。
PerlScript 在哪里可以用作 VBScript 等等效技术的直接替代品?
有人知道企业使用 PerlScript 的任何例子吗?
My ActivePerl documentation has a section dedicated to this seemingly little-known technology.
I guess that the technology didn't really catch on.
A couple of questions:
where would PerlScript be useful as a drop-in replacement for an equivalent technology like VBScript?
does anyone know of any examples where businesses have employed PerlScript?
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ActiveState 为 Microsoft IIS 实现了这一点,允许使用 Perl 代替 VBScript 或 JScript。因此,我的猜测是,大多数微软商店都依赖微软的工具,因此采用率有限。
ActiveState implemented this for Microsoft IIS, allowing Perl to be used in lieu of VBScript or JScript there. My guess, therefore, is that most Microsoft shops look to Microsoft tools and hence there is limited adoption.