CRC 检查在 Tcp/Ip 上自动完成?
我想知道,在使用 TcpClient 发送数据时,是否有任何形式的 CRC 检查自动运行的算法?或者我必须实现自己的算法并在数据未正确到达远程主机时重新发送数据?
I wonder, while sending data with TcpClient, is there any sort of CRC
checking algorithm that works automatically? Or I have to implement my own algorithm and resend the data if it doesn't arrive to remote host correctly?
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TCP 校验和相当弱,但对于可靠的流协议来说足够。通常,在数据链路层执行更强大的校验和 - 即以太网 (IIRC) 使用 CRC-32。
The TCP checksum is fairly weak, but considered good enough for a reliable stream protocol. Often, there are more robust checksums being performed at the data link layer - i.e., ethernet (IIRC) uses CRC-32.
If you really want to roll your own, here is a detailed guide to the theory and implementation.
TCP 中有一个校验和。但是,正如同一篇文章所说,
There is a checksum in TCP. But, as the same article says,
So if you have concerns about that, maybe it won't hurt to add another checking.
TCP 包含校验和,TCP/IP 堆栈将检测损坏的数据包。因此,除非您愿意,否则您不需要自己实现任何错误检测算法。
TCP contains a checksum and the TCP/IP stack will detect broken packets. So you don't need to implement any error detection algorithms on your own unless you want to.
使用 TCP 的重点在于协议中内置了错误检查。所以您不必担心此类事情。
The whole point of using TCP is that the error checking is built in the protocol. So you don't have to worry about this kind of things.