升级到 10g 后,v$version 在 sql Developer 中仍然显示 9i
我当时正在研究 Oracle 9i。我把它升级到了 10g 3 小时。后退。但是当我在 SQL Developer 中查询 v$version 检查版本时,它显示 Oracle 9i。
如果我需要修改 SQL Developer 工具中的任何设置以反映升级版本,您能否告诉我?
谢谢, 萨维莎
I was working on Oracle 9i. I got it upgraded to 10g 3 hr. back. But when I query v$version to check the version in SQL Developer, it shows Oracle 9i.
Could you please let me know if I need to modify any settings in the SQL Developer tool to reflect the upgraded version?
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如果您指的是客户端升级,您可以通过单击“帮助”->“关于”->“属性”并检查 oracle.home 的值来获取 SQL Developer 使用的 Oracle Home。通常,Oracle 主目录的名称会指示您正在使用的 Oracle 版本。如果没有,请导航到 ORACLE HOME 中的 BIN 目录并执行 sqlplus /nolog。
If you are referring to a client upgrade, you can get the Oracle Home being used by SQL Developer by clicking Help->About->Properties and checking the value for oracle.home. Usually the name of the Oracle Home will give you an indication of the version of Oracle that you are using. If not, navigate to the BIN directory in ORACLE HOME and execute sqlplus /nolog.