为什么 python 的 dict 是作为哈希表实现的,而 std::map 是基于树的?

发布于 12-18 02:58 字数 311 浏览 2 评论 0原文


c++ 的 map 与 python 的 dict


一棵树保证有 O(log n)。
我倾向于认为随着问题规模变大,哈希表的性能将变得接近 O(n)。


Why one languages uses tree and another uses hash table for seemingly similar data structure?

c++'s map vs python's dict

A related question is about performance of hash table.
Please comment on my understanding of hash table below.

A tree is guaranteed to have O(log n).
Whereas hash table has no guarantee unless inputs are previously known because of possible collisions.
I tend to think hash table's performance would become close to O(n) as problem size gets bigger.
Because I haven't heard of a hash function that dynamically adjust its table size as problem size grows.

Hence, hash table is only useful for certain range of problem size, and that's why most DB uses tree than hash table.

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眉黛浅2024-12-25 02:58:50

新的 C++ 标准具有 std::unordered_map 类型 哈希表。 IIRC 他们也希望将其纳入之前的标准,但讨论期间没有足够的时间,因此将其排除在外。然而,多年来,大多数流行的编译器都以这种或那种方式提供它。




所有严肃的哈希表实现都会通过分配更大的数组并重新散列所有键来动态调整自身以适应不断增长的输入。尽管此操作成本高昂,但如果设计得当(很少进行),性能仍可摊销为 O(1)。

The new C++ standard has the std::unordered_map type which is a hash table. IIRC they wanted it to get into the previous standard as well, but there was not enough time during the discussions so it was left out. However, most popular compilers provided it in one way or another for years.

In other words, don't worry about it too much. Use the proper data structure for the task at hand.

As for your understanding of hash tables, it's inaccurate:

I haven't heard of a hash function that dynamically adjust its table
size as problem size grows

All serious hash table implementation dynamically adjust themselves for growing input, by allocating a larger array and re-hashing all the keys. Although this operation is expensive, if designed properly (to be done rarely enough) the performance is still amortized O(1).

晨光如昨2024-12-25 02:58:50


问题是,哈希表是一个相当模糊的术语。在幕后有很多实现......但首先我们来谈谈 BST(二叉搜索树)的使用。

为什么 C++ 使用二叉搜索树?


参见 James Kanze 的评论,该提案来得太晚了,James 提出了一个有趣的问题:为什么斯捷潘诺夫没有首先提出它。我仍然怀疑选择的数​​量是罪魁祸首。


首先,让我们选择一个数据库软件。我会选择 Oracle,因为它有广泛的文档记录,而且是 SQL 数据库的典型代表。 Oracle 提供两种类型的索引:位图和搜索树。

注意:它们不使用二进制搜索树,而是使用对 IO 和缓存更友好的 B+树


  • 获取第 n 个元素
  • 获取前 n 个元素
  • 获取 [a,b] 中的元素


此外,数据库需要处理巨大的数据集(通常),这意味着它们需要组织数据以最大限度地减少 IO(磁盘读/写)。在这里,搜索树的排序性质意味着(在索引中)可能一起访问的元素(因为它们共享很多)也将被分组在一起,而不是分散到磁盘的四个角。



事实上,搜索树的性能众所周知且易于理解,O(log N) 非常好且整洁。



  • 开放寻址:哈希表是一个元素数组,哈希表示数组中放置元素的槽,如果槽已满,则有策略定位另一个插槽。搜索也使用相同的策略。
  • Buckets:哈希表是指向桶的指针数组,散列表示桶中放置元素的槽位。假设桶可以无限增长。



我个人的建议?要在 C++ 中的 unordered_mapmap 之间进行选择,我只需问自己是否需要排序元素。如果我需要对它们进行排序,我会使用 map,否则我会使用 unordered_map。大多数时候,性能无论如何都一样好,所以这只是语义

Your understanding of hash tables (and who use them) is flawed.

The problem is, hash table is a rather vague term. Under the hood there are many implementations... but first let's talk about the use of BST (Binary Search Trees).

Why does C++ uses a Binary Search Tree ?

C++ is designed by commitee, there are many possible implementations of hash tables leading to widely different characteristics while the most popular implementations of BST (Red-Black Tree and AVL Tree) have nearly identical characteristics. Therefore, they did not rejected hash tables outright, they just could not settle on the characteristics to choose and the details to expose to the user.

See James Kanze's comment, the proposal arrived too late and James asks an interesting question as to why Stepanov did not proposed it first. I still suspect the number of choices to be the culprit.

Why do databases use Search Trees ?

First of all, let's settle on a database software. I'll pick Oracle because it's both widely documented and so typical of SQL databases. Oracle offers two types of indexes: Bitmap and Search Trees.

Note: they do not use BINARY Search Trees, but instead use B+Trees which are much more IO and cache friendly

There is a fundamental difference between a Hash Table and a Search Tree: the latter is sorted. Many databases operations imply sorting:

  • get the nth element
  • get the top n elements
  • get the elements in [a,b]

In all those cases, a Hash Table is useless.

Furthermore, databases need to juggle with huge datasets (in general), which means that they need to organize their data in order to minimize IO (disk read/write). Here, the sorted nature of a Search Tree mean that (in the index) elements that are likely to be accessed together (because they share much) will also be grouped together instead of being scattered to the four corners of the disk.

Finally, internally Oracle may use Hash Tables in its execution plan. When you perform an operation that requires the intersection of two sets of rows, the optimization engine may decide that storing the (temporary) sets in Hash Tables is the fastest way to go.

Now, regarding performance.

Indeed, the performance of Search Trees is generally well-known and easy to understand O(log N) is nice and tidy.

On the other hand, as I said, there are many different Hash Tables implementation possible, as well as strategies to handle both growth and shrink... definitely more complicated.

A simple example of structure, a Hash Table may use:

  • Open Addressing: the hash table is an array of elements, the hash indicates the slot of the array in which to put the element, if the slot is full there is a strategy to locate another slot. The same strategy is used for searching.
  • Buckets: the hash table is an array of pointers to buckets, the hash indicates the slot of the bucket in which to put the elements. It is assumed that the bucket can grow infinitely.

Those two strategies have extremely different characteristics, and the latter characteristics also depend on the buckets implementations (the easy implementation is to use a simple linked-list).

But even if you pick an implementation, its performance is based on the hash function distribution, which varies depending on the input sequence itself!

My personal advice ? To pick between unordered_map and map in C++, I simply ask myself about whether I need sorted elements or not. If I need them to be sorted I use a map, otherwise I use an unordered_map. Most of the times, the performances are just as good anyway, so it's just semantics.

一页2024-12-25 02:58:50

对于 C++ 的情况,我怀疑(但不确定)动机是
事实上,有一个已建立的排序运算符 (<);那里

就 Python(以及许多其他语言)而言,很多时候,
键将是内置类型,例如 strstd::string 不是
在定义 STL 时可用),因此您可以确保足够的

最后,C++ 解决方案依赖于单个函数/运算符;一个哈希值
兼容,这样更容易出错。 Java 中的一个常见错误是
犯同样错误的 Python 类(定义 __cmp__
__eq__,但不是 __hash__)。当然,看次数
人们搞乱了 C++ 中的 < 运算符,我不确定它是否那么安全

It's a more or less arbitrary choice of the language designers. In the
case of C++, I suspect (but don't know for sure) that the motivation was
the desire to define strict upper limits to complexity: designing a good
hash function isn't trivial, and a hash table with a poor hash function
performs very poorly. Another issue that might have been considered is
the fact that there is an established operator for ordering (<); there
is nothing similar for hashing.

In the case of Python (and many other languages), a lot of the time, the
keys will be a built-in type, like str (std::string was not
available when the STL was being defined), so you can ensure an adequate
hash function. And when everything is an object, and inherits from a
common base class, you can easily define a standard interface for
hash, by defining a (virtual) function in the univeral base class.

Finally, the C++ solution depends on a single function/operator; a hash
table requires two (the hash function and equality), which must
compatible, which is more error prone. A common error in Java is to
define equals, but not to define hashCode; I suspect that there are
Python classes which make the same mistake (defining __cmp__ or
__eq__, but not __hash__). Of course, seeing the number of times
people mess up the < operator in C++, I'm not sure that it's that safe

那一片橙海,2024-12-25 02:58:50

Python 哈希表的空间永远不会超过 2/3。随着它们的增长而调整大小(从大小 8 开始,然后大小增加四倍,直到 50000,然后再增加一倍)。这使它们的插入、删除和查找的时间复杂度为 O(1)。过度碰撞是可能的,但很少见。

Python hash tables are never more than 2/3 full. The resize as they grow (starting at size 8, then quadrupling in size to until 50000, and doubling thereafter). This gives them amortized O(1) insertion, deletion, and lookup. Excess collisions are possible but are rare.

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