了解 BugSense 在发送崩溃报告中的用法
我遇到了 BugSense,我通过在 BugSense 站点中生成 API 在我最近的一个应用程序中实现了它。我按照BugSense提供的DOC在我的APP中成功配置了该工具。
BugSense --> Processing crash report...
BugSense --> Crashed on 2011-11-23 07:32:13 +0000
BugSense --> Crashed with signal SIGABRT (code #0, address=0x34417a1c)
BugSense --> Generating JSON data from crash report...
BugSense --> Posting JSON data...
BugSense --> Server responded with status code: 500
- 生成了什么崩溃报告。
- 它正在发布什么 JSON 数据。
- 我的崩溃报告存储在哪里。
我曾尝试在我的应用程序中遇到一些崩溃,但是当我检查 BugSense 网站的进度时,我没有看到任何图形表示或错误报告。
我缺少什么?我应该如何查看崩溃报告?如何将崩溃日志发送到 BugSense,以便我可以在站点中查看崩溃报告?
I have come across BugSense which I had implemented in one of my recent APP by generating a API in BugSense site. I had followed the DOC provided by BugSense and configured the tool successfully in my APP.
When I connect my device to my system and run my APP in debug mode, I see the below log in the console window.
BugSense --> Processing crash report...
BugSense --> Crashed on 2011-11-23 07:32:13 +0000
BugSense --> Crashed with signal SIGABRT (code #0, address=0x34417a1c)
BugSense --> Generating JSON data from crash report...
BugSense --> Posting JSON data...
BugSense --> Server responded with status code: 500
I want to know
- what crash report is generated.
- what JSON data it is posting.
- where my crash report is stored.
I had tried with some crash in my APP, but when I check the BugSense site for the progress I didn't see any graphical representation or error report.
What am i missing? How should I see the crash report? How do I send the crash log to BugSense so that I can see the crash report in the site?
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在编辑方案中关闭GDB或LLDB并按照BugSense提供的步骤进行操作,这是链接BugSense IOS 集成步骤。
现在我可以向 BugSense 发送崩溃报告并查看有关崩溃的详细报告。
I have found a solution for my question, below is what I did
Turned off the GDB or LLDB in Edit Scheme and followed the steps provided by BugSense, here is the link BugSense IOS integration steps.
Then created a crash in my APP and tried running the APP, when the APP got crashed and I got the below response
Now I can send crash reports to BugSense and see the detailed report about the crash.