通过网络以最低延迟控制 Arduino
我在某个位置有一块 Arduino 板和一个网络服务器。
我还有一个应该控制 Arduino 的网站。什么技术可以让用户以最少的延迟控制 Arduino 板?
我有 Node.js,socketserver, Jabber 打算尝试一下,但这是正确的方向吗?
I have an Arduino board in a location, and a webserver.
I also have a website that is supposed to control the Arduino. What technique would allow users to take control of the Arduino board with the least amount of latency?
I have Node.js, socketserver, Jabber in mind to experiment with, but is this the right direction?
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您应该查看 Socket.IO 以在服务器端和客户端实现 WebSocket。
有一个名为 duino 的伟大项目,用于使用 Node.js 访问 Arduino,您“只需”通过管道传输所有通信通过 WebSocket。
更新:与此同时,我发布了一个框架,用于使用 Node.JS、JavaScript 和 WebSockets 向 Arduino 发送命令。请务必查看 Noduino!
You should have a look at Socket.IO for implementing WebSockets on server- and client-side.
There's a great project called duino for accessing Arduino with Node.js, you "only" have to pipe all communication through WebSockets.
Update: In the meantime I have published a framework for sending commands to an Arduino with Node.JS, JavaScript and WebSockets. Make sure to have a look at Noduino!
我很幸运地使用 node-serialport 与 Arduino 对话。使用串行端口会产生非常低的延迟,我用它来构建一个照相亭。 代码位于 GitHub 上(如果你想查看的话),尽管它的组织结构很差,就像我一样我急于为我的婚礼做这件事,但是……捷足先登。
I had good luck using node-serialport to talk to the Arduino. Using the serial port results in very low latency, and I used it to build a photobooth. The code is on GitHub if you want to check it out, though it's very poorly organized as I was rushing to get this done for my wedding and well... corners were cut.