如何在 jQuery 插件的步骤之间执行 MySQL 更新查询?
我正在使用一个名为 Stepy 的 jQuery 插件,它基于 FormToWizard 插件,允许用户完成 10 步 形式。
我正在使用 PHP 和 MySQL。表行是在用户第一次访问表单时创建的,因此此后的所有执行都将是“更新”查询。
$(function() {
backLabel: 'Back',
block: true,
errorImage: true,
nextLabel: 'Next',
titleClick: true,
validate: false,
legend: false,
;(function($) {
var methods = {
init: function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
var opt = $.extend({}, $.fn.stepy.defaults, options),
$this = $(this).data('options', opt),
id = $this.attr('id');
if (id === undefined) {
id = 'stepy-' + $this.index();
$this.attr('id', id);
var $titlesWrapper = $('<ul/>', { id: id + '-titles', 'class': 'stepy-titles' });
if (opt.titleTarget) {
} else {
if (opt.validate) {
$this.append('<div class="stepy-error"/>');
var $steps = $this.children('fieldset'),
$step = undefined,
$legend = undefined,
description = '',
title = '';
$steps.each(function(index) {
$step = $(this);
.attr('id', id + '-step-' + index)
.append('<p id="' + id + '-buttons-' + index + '" class="' + id + '-buttons"/>');
$legend = $step.children('legend');
if (!opt.legend) {
description = '';
if (opt.description) {
if ($legend.length) {
description = '<span>' + $legend.html() + '</span>';
} else {
$.error(id + ': the legend element of the step ' + (index + 1) + ' is required to set the description!');
title = $step.attr('title');
title = (title != '') ? '<div>' + title + '</div>': '--';
$titlesWrapper.append('<li id="' + id + '-title-' + index + '">' + title + description + '</li>');
if (index == 0) {
if ($steps.length > 1) {
methods.createNextButton.call($this, index);
} else {
methods.createBackButton.call($this, index);
if (index < $steps.length - 1) {
methods.createNextButton.call($this, index);
var $titles = $titlesWrapper.children();
var $finish = $this.children('.finish');
if (opt.finishButton) {
if ($finish.length) {
var isForm = $this.is('form'),
onSubmit = undefined;
if (opt.finish && isForm) {
onSubmit = $this.attr('onsubmit');
$this.attr('onsubmit', 'return false;');
$finish.click(function(evt) {
if (opt.finish && !methods.execute.call($this, opt.finish, $steps.length - 1)) {
} else {
if (isForm) {
if (onSubmit) {
$this.attr('onsubmit', onSubmit);
} else {
var isSubmit = $finish.attr('type') == 'submit';
if (!isSubmit && (!opt.validate || methods.validate.call($this, $steps.length - 1))) {
} else {
$.error(id + ': element with class name "finish" missing!');
if (opt.titleClick) {
$titles.click(function() {
var array = $titles.filter('.current-step').attr('id').split('-'), // TODO: try keep the number in an attribute.
current = parseInt(array[array.length - 1], 10),
clicked = $(this).index();
if (clicked > current) {
if (opt.next && !methods.execute.call($this, opt.next, clicked)) {
return false;
} else if (clicked < current) {
if (opt.back && !methods.execute.call($this, opt.back, clicked)) {
return false;
if (clicked != current) {
methods.step.call($this, (clicked) + 1);
} else {
$titles.css('cursor', 'default');
$steps.delegate('input[type="text"], input[type="password"]', 'keypress', function(evt) {
var key = (evt.keyCode ? evt.keyCode : evt.which);
if (key == 13) {
var $buttons = $(this).parent().children('.' + id + '-buttons');
if ($buttons.length) {
var $next = $buttons.children('.button right-aligned');
if ($next.length) {
} else {
var $finish = $buttons.children('.finish');
if ($finish.length) {
}, createBackButton: function(index) {
var $this = this,
id = this.attr('id'),
opt = this.data('options');
$('<a/>', { id: id + '-back-' + index, href: 'javascript:void(0);', 'class': 'button left-aligned', html: opt.backLabel }).click(function() {
if (!opt.back || methods.execute.call($this, opt.back, index - 1)) {
methods.step.call($this, (index - 1) + 1);
}).appendTo($('#' + id + '-buttons-' + index));
}, createNextButton: function(index) {
var $this = this,
id = this.attr('id'),
opt = this.data('options');
$('<a/>', { id: id + '-next-' + index, href: 'javascript:void(0);', 'class': 'button right-aligned', html: opt.nextLabel }).click(function() {
if (!opt.next || methods.execute.call($this, opt.next, index + 1)) {
methods.step.call($this, (index + 1) + 1);
}).appendTo($('#' + id + '-buttons-' + index));
}, execute: function(callback, index) {
var isValid = callback.call(this, index + 1);
return isValid || isValid === undefined;
}, step: function(index) {
var $steps = this.children('fieldset');
if (index > $steps.length - 1) {
index = $steps.length - 1;
var opt = this.data('options');
max = index;
if (opt.validate) {
var isValid = true;
for (var i = 0; i < index; i++) {
isValid &= methods.validate.call(this, i);
if (opt.block && !isValid) {
max = i;
var $titles = $('#' + this.attr('id') + '-titles').children();
if (this.is('form')) {
var $fields = undefined;
if (max == index) {
$fields = $steps.eq(max).find(':input:enabled:visible');
} else {
$fields = $steps.eq(max).find('.error').select().focus();
if (opt.select) {
opt.select.call(this, max + 1);
return this;
}, validate: function(index) {
if (!this.is('form')) {
return true;
var $step = this.children('fieldset').eq(index),
isValid = true,
$title = $('#' + this.attr('id') + '-titles').children().eq(index),
opt = this.data('options'),
$this = this;
$($step.find(':input:enabled').get().reverse()).each(function() {
var fieldIsValid = $this.validate().element($(this));
if (fieldIsValid === undefined) {
fieldIsValid = true;
isValid &= fieldIsValid;
if (isValid) {
if (opt.errorImage) {
} else {
if (opt.errorImage) {
return isValid;
$.fn.stepy = function(method) {
if (methods[method]) {
return methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
} else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
$.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist!');
$.fn.stepy.defaults = {
back: undefined,
backLabel: '< Back',
block: false,
description: true,
errorImage: false,
finish: undefined,
finishButton: true,
legend: true,
next: undefined,
nextLabel: 'Next >',
titleClick: false,
titleTarget: undefined,
validate: false,
select: undefined
I am using a jQuery plugin called Stepy, which is based of the FormToWizard plugin, to allow users to complete a 10-step form.
Since the form is fairly long, I'd like the user's data to be saved between each step (i.e. when clicking on the 'back' or 'next' buttons) so they can save their work and come back at a later day if they'd like.
I am using PHP and MySQL. The table row is created for a user when they access the form for the first time, so all executions after that would be 'update' queries.
Any thoughts on how I should go about doing this and where I'd add the functionality in?
$(function() {
backLabel: 'Back',
block: true,
errorImage: true,
nextLabel: 'Next',
titleClick: true,
validate: false,
legend: false,
;(function($) {
var methods = {
init: function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
var opt = $.extend({}, $.fn.stepy.defaults, options),
$this = $(this).data('options', opt),
id = $this.attr('id');
if (id === undefined) {
id = 'stepy-' + $this.index();
$this.attr('id', id);
var $titlesWrapper = $('<ul/>', { id: id + '-titles', 'class': 'stepy-titles' });
if (opt.titleTarget) {
} else {
if (opt.validate) {
$this.append('<div class="stepy-error"/>');
var $steps = $this.children('fieldset'),
$step = undefined,
$legend = undefined,
description = '',
title = '';
$steps.each(function(index) {
$step = $(this);
.attr('id', id + '-step-' + index)
.append('<p id="' + id + '-buttons-' + index + '" class="' + id + '-buttons"/>');
$legend = $step.children('legend');
if (!opt.legend) {
description = '';
if (opt.description) {
if ($legend.length) {
description = '<span>' + $legend.html() + '</span>';
} else {
$.error(id + ': the legend element of the step ' + (index + 1) + ' is required to set the description!');
title = $step.attr('title');
title = (title != '') ? '<div>' + title + '</div>': '--';
$titlesWrapper.append('<li id="' + id + '-title-' + index + '">' + title + description + '</li>');
if (index == 0) {
if ($steps.length > 1) {
methods.createNextButton.call($this, index);
} else {
methods.createBackButton.call($this, index);
if (index < $steps.length - 1) {
methods.createNextButton.call($this, index);
var $titles = $titlesWrapper.children();
var $finish = $this.children('.finish');
if (opt.finishButton) {
if ($finish.length) {
var isForm = $this.is('form'),
onSubmit = undefined;
if (opt.finish && isForm) {
onSubmit = $this.attr('onsubmit');
$this.attr('onsubmit', 'return false;');
$finish.click(function(evt) {
if (opt.finish && !methods.execute.call($this, opt.finish, $steps.length - 1)) {
} else {
if (isForm) {
if (onSubmit) {
$this.attr('onsubmit', onSubmit);
} else {
var isSubmit = $finish.attr('type') == 'submit';
if (!isSubmit && (!opt.validate || methods.validate.call($this, $steps.length - 1))) {
} else {
$.error(id + ': element with class name "finish" missing!');
if (opt.titleClick) {
$titles.click(function() {
var array = $titles.filter('.current-step').attr('id').split('-'), // TODO: try keep the number in an attribute.
current = parseInt(array[array.length - 1], 10),
clicked = $(this).index();
if (clicked > current) {
if (opt.next && !methods.execute.call($this, opt.next, clicked)) {
return false;
} else if (clicked < current) {
if (opt.back && !methods.execute.call($this, opt.back, clicked)) {
return false;
if (clicked != current) {
methods.step.call($this, (clicked) + 1);
} else {
$titles.css('cursor', 'default');
$steps.delegate('input[type="text"], input[type="password"]', 'keypress', function(evt) {
var key = (evt.keyCode ? evt.keyCode : evt.which);
if (key == 13) {
var $buttons = $(this).parent().children('.' + id + '-buttons');
if ($buttons.length) {
var $next = $buttons.children('.button right-aligned');
if ($next.length) {
} else {
var $finish = $buttons.children('.finish');
if ($finish.length) {
}, createBackButton: function(index) {
var $this = this,
id = this.attr('id'),
opt = this.data('options');
$('<a/>', { id: id + '-back-' + index, href: 'javascript:void(0);', 'class': 'button left-aligned', html: opt.backLabel }).click(function() {
if (!opt.back || methods.execute.call($this, opt.back, index - 1)) {
methods.step.call($this, (index - 1) + 1);
}).appendTo($('#' + id + '-buttons-' + index));
}, createNextButton: function(index) {
var $this = this,
id = this.attr('id'),
opt = this.data('options');
$('<a/>', { id: id + '-next-' + index, href: 'javascript:void(0);', 'class': 'button right-aligned', html: opt.nextLabel }).click(function() {
if (!opt.next || methods.execute.call($this, opt.next, index + 1)) {
methods.step.call($this, (index + 1) + 1);
}).appendTo($('#' + id + '-buttons-' + index));
}, execute: function(callback, index) {
var isValid = callback.call(this, index + 1);
return isValid || isValid === undefined;
}, step: function(index) {
var $steps = this.children('fieldset');
if (index > $steps.length - 1) {
index = $steps.length - 1;
var opt = this.data('options');
max = index;
if (opt.validate) {
var isValid = true;
for (var i = 0; i < index; i++) {
isValid &= methods.validate.call(this, i);
if (opt.block && !isValid) {
max = i;
var $titles = $('#' + this.attr('id') + '-titles').children();
if (this.is('form')) {
var $fields = undefined;
if (max == index) {
$fields = $steps.eq(max).find(':input:enabled:visible');
} else {
$fields = $steps.eq(max).find('.error').select().focus();
if (opt.select) {
opt.select.call(this, max + 1);
return this;
}, validate: function(index) {
if (!this.is('form')) {
return true;
var $step = this.children('fieldset').eq(index),
isValid = true,
$title = $('#' + this.attr('id') + '-titles').children().eq(index),
opt = this.data('options'),
$this = this;
$($step.find(':input:enabled').get().reverse()).each(function() {
var fieldIsValid = $this.validate().element($(this));
if (fieldIsValid === undefined) {
fieldIsValid = true;
isValid &= fieldIsValid;
if (isValid) {
if (opt.errorImage) {
} else {
if (opt.errorImage) {
return isValid;
$.fn.stepy = function(method) {
if (methods[method]) {
return methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
} else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
$.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist!');
$.fn.stepy.defaults = {
back: undefined,
backLabel: '< Back',
block: false,
description: true,
errorImage: false,
finish: undefined,
finishButton: true,
legend: true,
next: undefined,
nextLabel: 'Next >',
titleClick: false,
titleTarget: undefined,
validate: false,
select: undefined
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Seeing Stepy page, you can add some function to the next and back. So, you can send the data with ajax and save this in MySQL database. For example: