使用 iOS 5 外观 API 的 UIBarButtonItemStyleDone 背景图像
如何为具有 UIBarButtonItemStyleDone 样式和“编辑/完成”按钮的编辑状态的栏按钮提供视觉上不同的栏按钮项目背景图像? UIBarButtonItem 外观代理的 setBackgroundImage:forState:barMetrics: 中记录的 UIControlState 值似乎都不起作用。
How can I provide a visually distinct bar button item background image for bar buttons with the UIBarButtonItemStyleDone style and the editing state of the Edit/Done button? None of the documented UIControlState values in the UIBarButtonItem appearance proxy's setBackgroundImage:forState:barMetrics: seem to do the trick.
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我不确定为什么这个问题从未得到解答,但如果您仍在寻找,那么只需在 .h 中为 BarButtonItem 创建一个属性,在 IB 中分配它,然后设置该 barButtonItem 的背景属性。对我来说效果很好,并且永远不会“变回默认外观”。
I'm not sure why this was never answered but if you are still looking then simply create a property for a BarButtonItem in your .h, assign it in IB, then set the background property of that barButtonItem. Works fine for me and never "changes back to default appearance".
您可以使用 UIBarButtonItem 类别“注入”自定义样式:
I have just found and posted a possible solution to this problem.
You can 'inject' custom styles using a UIBarButtonItem category: