
发布于 2024-12-17 06:39:06 字数 216 浏览 4 评论 0原文

我听说过聚类来对相似的数据进行分组。我想知道它在 String 的特定情况下如何工作。

我有一个包含超过 100,000 个不同单词的表。



I heard about clustering to group similar data. I want to know how it works in the specific case for String.

I have a table with more than different 100,000 words.

I want to identify the same word with some differences (eg.: house, house!!, hooouse, HoUse, @house, "house", etc...).

What is needed to identify the similarity and group each word in a cluster? What algorithm is more recommended for this?

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赠意 2024-12-24 06:39:07

要理解什么是聚类,请想象一张地理地图。您可以看到许多不同的物体(例如房屋)。它们有的距离很近,有的距离很远。在此基础上,您可以将所有对象分成组(例如城市)。聚类算法正是做到这一点 - 它们允许您将数据分成组,而无需事先指定组边界。


现在您可以使用现有的一种聚类算法。它们有很多,但并非所有都能满足您的需求。例如,这里已经提到的纯 k 均值对您几乎没有帮助,因为它需要查找初始组数,并且对于大型字符串字典,它可能是 100、200、500、10000 - 您只是不知道数字。所以其他算法可能更合适。

其中之一是期望最大化算法。它的优点是可以自动找到簇的数量。然而,在实践中,它给出的结果往往不如其他算法精确,因此通常在 EM 之上使用 k-means,即首先用 EM 找到簇的数量及其中心,然后再使用使用k-means调整结果。


To understand what clustering is imagine a geographical map. You can see many distinct objects (such as houses). Some of them are close to each other, and others are far. Based on this, you can split all objects into groups (such as cities). Clustering algorithms make exactly this thing - they allow you to split your data into groups without previous specifying groups borders.

All clustering algorithms are based on the distance (or likelihood) between 2 objects. On geographical map it is normal distance between 2 houses, in multidimensional space it may be Euclidean distance (in fact, distance between 2 houses on the map also is Euclidean distance). For string comparison you have to use something different. 2 good choices here are Hamming and Levenshtein distance. In your particular case Levenshtein distance if more preferable (Hamming distance works only with the strings of same size).

Now you can use one of existing clustering algorithms. There's plenty of them, but not all can fit your needs. For example, pure k-means, already mentioned here will hardly help you since it requires initial number of groups to find, and with large dictionary of strings it may be 100, 200, 500, 10000 - you just don't know the number. So other algorithms may be more appropriate.

One of them is expectation maximization algorithm. Its advantage is that it can find number of clusters automatically. However, in practice often it gives less precise results than other algorithms, so it is normal to use k-means on top of EM, that is, first find number of clusters and their centers with EM and then use k-means to adjust the result.

Another possible branch of algorithms, that may be suitable for your task, is hierarchical clustering. The result of cluster analysis in this case in not a set of independent groups, but rather tree (hierarchy), where several smaller clusters are grouped into one bigger, and all clusters are finally part of one big cluster. In your case it means that all words are similar to each other up to some degree.

西瑶 2024-12-24 06:39:07

有一个名为 stringdist 的包,允许使用多个字符串进行比较不同的方法。从该页面复制粘贴:

  • 汉明距离:两个字符串中具有相同符号的位置数。仅针对相同长度的字符串定义。
  • 编辑距离:将字符串 a 转换为字符串 b 所需的插入、删除和替换的最少次数。
  • (完整)Damerau-Levenshtein 距离:与 Levenshtein 距离类似,但允许相邻符号的调换。
  • 最佳字符串对齐/受限的 Damerau-Levenshtein 距离:类似于(完整)Damerau-Levenshtein 距离,但每个子字符串只能编辑一次。
  • 最长公共子串距离:在两个字符串中必须删除的符号的最小数量,直到结果子串相同。
  • q-gram 距离:两个字符串的 N-gram 向量之间的绝对差之和。
  • 余弦距离:1 减去两个 N 元语法向量的余弦相似度。
  • 杰卡德距离:1 减去共享 N 元模型与所有观察到的 N 元模型的商。
  • Jaro 距离:Jaro 距离是 4 个值的公式,实际上是 p = 0 时 Jaro-Winkler 距离的特例。
  • Jaro-Winkler 距离:该距离是由两个比较字符串确定的 5 个参数的公式(A、 B,m,t,l) 和 p 选自 [0, 0.25]。


There is a package called stringdist that allows for string comparison using several different methods. Copypasting from that page:

  • Hamming distance: Number of positions with same symbol in both strings. Only defined for strings of equal length.
  • Levenshtein distance: Minimal number of insertions, deletions and replacements needed for transforming string a into string b.
  • (Full) Damerau-Levenshtein distance: Like Levenshtein distance, but transposition of adjacent symbols is allowed.
  • Optimal String Alignment / restricted Damerau-Levenshtein distance: Like (full) Damerau-Levenshtein distance but each substring may only be edited once.
  • Longest Common Substring distance: Minimum number of symbols that have to be removed in both strings until resulting substrings are identical.
  • q-gram distance: Sum of absolute differences between N-gram vectors of both strings.
  • Cosine distance: 1 minus the cosine similarity of both N-gram vectors.
  • Jaccard distance: 1 minues the quotient of shared N-grams and all observed N-grams.
  • Jaro distance: The Jaro distance is a formula of 4 values and effectively a special case of the Jaro-Winkler distance with p = 0.
  • Jaro-Winkler distance: This distance is a formula of 5 parameters determined by the two compared strings (A,B,m,t,l) and p chosen from [0, 0.25].

That will give you the distance. You might not need to perform a cluster analysis, perhaps sorting by the string distance itself is sufficient. I have created a script to provide the basic functionality here... feel free to improve it as needed.

司马昭之心 2024-12-24 06:39:07

您可以使用 Levenshtein 距离 等算法进行距离计算,并使用 k-means 用于聚类。



You can use an algorithm like the Levenshtein distance for the distance calculation and k-means for clustering.

the Levenshtein distance is a string metric for measuring the amount of difference between two sequences

Do some testing and find a similarity threshold per word that will decide your groups.

情未る 2024-12-24 06:39:07

您可以使用称为“亲和力传播”的聚类算法。该算法接受一个称为相似度矩阵的输入,如果您使用的是 Python,则可以通过取 Levenstein 距离的负值或 fuzzywuzzy 库中的partial_ratio 和 token_set_ratio 的调和平均值来生成该矩阵。

You can use a clustering algorithm called "Affinity Propagation". This algorithm takes in an input called similarity matrix which you can generate by taking negative of the either Levenstein distance or an harmonic mean of partial_ratio and token_set_ratio from fuzzywuzzy library if you are using Python.

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