了解测试 (BDD) ߞ我可以跳过单元测试来重复某些集成测试中已经涵盖的内容吗?
注意:之前有过类似的问题(BDD 和单元测试),但它没有没有真正的直接答案。只需链接到该书即可。
- 验证失败 - 我们通知他,对象未更新。
- 验证通过——他被重定向到包含提交数据的个人资料页面。对象已更新。凉爽的!
因此,如果我已经测试验证在 BDD 期间正常工作,我是否需要通过单元测试进行双重检查?或者我可以跳过它吗?在这种情况下,正确的做法是什么?为什么?
Note: There was the similar question before ( BDD And Unit Testing ) but it doesn't have an actual straight answer. Just link to the book.
Assume we test a profile page. User submit his data.
- Validation failed — we notify him about it, object not updated.
- Validation passed — he's redirected to profile page with submitted data. Object updated. Cool!
So if I've tested that validations are working properly during BDD do I need to double-check it with Unit Test? Or I can skip it? What will the right thing to do in this case and why?
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Integration test checks your parts are working together in right manner.
Unit test covers right functionality of each part itself.
So, there are two parts of the answer:
如果验证逻辑很简单,请忽略 TDD 教条。您不会从“正确的”单元测试中获得太多好处。
If the validation logic is simple, go ahead and ignore the TDD dogma. You won't gain much from "proper" unit tests.
But if the validation is complex, you probably won't be able to test every corner case in an integration tests (or if you do, the tests will take a very long time to run and be fragile, i.e. break often for various reasons, and when they break it will sometimes be hard to determine why.
Unit tests suffer much less from these problems, so they can be useful to complement the integration tests.