Safari 处于信息亭模式或全屏模式,没有工具栏
我创建了一个 html5 视频库,将用作赌场的信息亭。这些视频在 Safari 中播放效果最好,但我无法让 Safari 完全全屏显示。有没有办法做到这一点或我可以使用的应用程序?我研究过 saft,但它与新版本的 safari 不兼容。
I have created a html5 video gallery that will be used as a kiosk in a casino. The videos play the best in safari but I cannot get safari to go completely full screen. Is there a way to do this or a application I can use? I've looked into saft but it is not compatible with the new version of safari.
Thanks in advance
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至少在 Windows 版本的 Safari (5.1.7) 上,要使其全屏显示,您必须按 F11。
我希望有一种方法可以从启动时启用全屏模式,就像使用 Google Chrome 和 kiosk 模式一样,但我不知道这是否可行。
At least on Windows version of Safari (5.1.7), To make it go full-screen you have to press F11.
You will still see a tool-bar, but it should automatically hide after a few seconds, and then you will be in complete full-screen mode.
Note: If you press F11 before all the content of your page are loaded, you might have some layout problems, so I recommend to wait for the content to be loaded.
I wish there was a way to make full-screen mode enabled from start up like you can do with Google Chrome with the kiosk mode, but I don't know if that is possible.
您可能应该使用为此目的设计的第三方信息亭应用程序,例如 xStand,因为Safari 不包含任何实际的信息亭模式(与 Internet Explorer 不同)。
即使如此,您也需要了解用户使用键盘快捷键退出应用程序的风险(例如 Cmd+Q 或 Cmd+Opt+Escape 显示“强制退出应用程序”列表)。
另一方面,如果您可以安全地移除键盘和鼠标,则可以简单地使用 Safari 中的内置全屏模式(从 OS X Lion 开始),以实现您想要的效果。
You should probably use a third-party kiosk application designed for this purpose such as xStand, since Safari doesn't contain any actual kiosk mode (unlike Internet Explorer).
Even then, you'll need to be aware of the risk of users using keyboard shortcuts to exit the application (like Cmd+Q, or Cmd+Opt+Escape to bring up the "Force Quit Applications" list).
Most dedicated kiosk browsers are designed to disallow that sort of behaviour, but you should definitely test them yourself before you trust them (or disconnect the keyboard altogether if users don't need a keyboard).
On the other hand, if you can safely remove the keyboard and mouse, you're able to simply use the built-in full-screen mode in Safari (as of OS X Lion), to achieve what you're looking for.