将用户输入连接到 DOM 的值
如何连接一个与 DOM 值保持不变的按钮以捕获用户的选择?
<tr><td id="question" colspan=5 > Question 1</td></tr>
<tr><td >
<img src="files/z1.png" name="taste" value="trendy[1]" />
</td> <td >
<img src="files/z2.png" name="taste1" value="classic[1]"/>
</td> </tr>
<tr><td >
<img alt"Select" src="files/Select.jpg" onclick="javascript:manipulateDOM()">
</td><td >
<img alt"Select" src="files/Select.jpg" onclick="javascript:manipulateDOM1()">
Javascript 根据用户输入确定显示哪个图像
var NumberOfImages = 7 - 1; //-1 because array members starts from 0
var trendy = new Array(NumberOfImages);
trendy[0] = "files/z1.png";
trendy[1] = "files/z1.png";
trendy[2] = "files/z14.png";
trendy[3] = "files/z4.png";
trendy[4] = "files/z5.png";
trendy[5] = "files/z6.png";
trendy[6] = "files/z9.png";
var imgNumber = 1; //array key of current image
var NumberOfImages = 7 - 1; //-1 because array members starts from 0
var classic = new Array(NumberOfImages);
classic[0] = "files/z2.png";
classic[1] = "files/z2.png";
classic[2] = "files/z12.png";
classic[3] = "files/z3.png";
classic[4] = "files/z3.png";
classic[5] = "files/z7.png";
classic[6] = "files/z8.png";
var classicNumber = 1; //array key of current image
var text = 6 - 1; //-1 because array members starts from 0
var text = new Array;
text[0] = "Question 1"
text[1] = "Question 2"
text[2] = "Question 3"
text[3] = "Question 4"
text[4] = "Question 5"
text[5] = "Question 6"
text[6] = "Question 7"
var textNumber = 1; //array key of current image
function manipulateDOM() {
function changeObjects() {
document.getElementById("question").innerHTML = text[textNumber];
function NextImage() {
if (imgNumber < NumberOfImages) //Stop moving forward when we are out of images
trendy[0] = trendy[1]; trendy[1] = trendy[2]; trendy[2] = trendy[3]; trendy[2] = trendy[3]; trendy[3] = trendy[4]; trendy[4] = trendy[5]; trendy[5] = trendy[6];
document.images["taste"].src = trendy[imgNumber];
classic[0] = classic[1]; classic[1] = classic[2]; classic[2] = classic[3]; classic[3] = classic[4]; classic[4] = classic[5]; classic[5] = classic[6];
document.images["taste1"].src = classic[imgNumber];
text[0] = text[1]; text[1] = text[2]; text[2] = text[3]; text[3] = text[4]; text[4] = text[5]; text[5] = text[6];
document.getElementById["question"].innerHTML = text[textNumber];
function manipulateDOM1() {
function NextImage1() {
if (imgNumber < NumberOfImages) //Stop moving forward when we are out of images
trendy[0] = trendy[1]; trendy[1] = trendy[2]; trendy[2] = trendy[3]; trendy[2] = trendy[3]; trendy[3] = trendy[4]; trendy[4] = trendy[5]; trendy[5] = trendy[6];
document.images["taste"].src = trendy[imgNumber];
classic[0] = classic[1]; classic[1] = classic[2]; classic[2] = classic[3]; classic[3] = classic[4]; classic[4] = classic[5]; classic[5] = classic[6];
document.images["taste1"].src = classic[imgNumber];
text[0] = text[1]; text[1] = text[2]; text[2] = text[3]; text[3] = text[4]; text[4] = text[5]; text[5] = text[6];
document.getElementById["question"].innerHTML = text[textNumber];
How can I connect a button which remains constant with a DOM's value in order to capture a user's selection?
I'm creating a taste questionnaire which asks users to select the style they prefer from amongst a series of pairs, and the specific pairings shown will change based upon the items previously selected. I'd like the 'Select' buttons under each set to remain constant so that the entire page doesn't need to be refreshed for each image.
<tr><td id="question" colspan=5 > Question 1</td></tr>
<tr><td >
<img src="files/z1.png" name="taste" value="trendy[1]" />
</td> <td >
<img src="files/z2.png" name="taste1" value="classic[1]"/>
</td> </tr>
<tr><td >
<img alt"Select" src="files/Select.jpg" onclick="javascript:manipulateDOM()">
</td><td >
<img alt"Select" src="files/Select.jpg" onclick="javascript:manipulateDOM1()">
Javascript to determine which image is shown based on user input
var NumberOfImages = 7 - 1; //-1 because array members starts from 0
var trendy = new Array(NumberOfImages);
trendy[0] = "files/z1.png";
trendy[1] = "files/z1.png";
trendy[2] = "files/z14.png";
trendy[3] = "files/z4.png";
trendy[4] = "files/z5.png";
trendy[5] = "files/z6.png";
trendy[6] = "files/z9.png";
var imgNumber = 1; //array key of current image
var NumberOfImages = 7 - 1; //-1 because array members starts from 0
var classic = new Array(NumberOfImages);
classic[0] = "files/z2.png";
classic[1] = "files/z2.png";
classic[2] = "files/z12.png";
classic[3] = "files/z3.png";
classic[4] = "files/z3.png";
classic[5] = "files/z7.png";
classic[6] = "files/z8.png";
var classicNumber = 1; //array key of current image
var text = 6 - 1; //-1 because array members starts from 0
var text = new Array;
text[0] = "Question 1"
text[1] = "Question 2"
text[2] = "Question 3"
text[3] = "Question 4"
text[4] = "Question 5"
text[5] = "Question 6"
text[6] = "Question 7"
var textNumber = 1; //array key of current image
function manipulateDOM() {
function changeObjects() {
document.getElementById("question").innerHTML = text[textNumber];
function NextImage() {
if (imgNumber < NumberOfImages) //Stop moving forward when we are out of images
trendy[0] = trendy[1]; trendy[1] = trendy[2]; trendy[2] = trendy[3]; trendy[2] = trendy[3]; trendy[3] = trendy[4]; trendy[4] = trendy[5]; trendy[5] = trendy[6];
document.images["taste"].src = trendy[imgNumber];
classic[0] = classic[1]; classic[1] = classic[2]; classic[2] = classic[3]; classic[3] = classic[4]; classic[4] = classic[5]; classic[5] = classic[6];
document.images["taste1"].src = classic[imgNumber];
text[0] = text[1]; text[1] = text[2]; text[2] = text[3]; text[3] = text[4]; text[4] = text[5]; text[5] = text[6];
document.getElementById["question"].innerHTML = text[textNumber];
function manipulateDOM1() {
function NextImage1() {
if (imgNumber < NumberOfImages) //Stop moving forward when we are out of images
trendy[0] = trendy[1]; trendy[1] = trendy[2]; trendy[2] = trendy[3]; trendy[2] = trendy[3]; trendy[3] = trendy[4]; trendy[4] = trendy[5]; trendy[5] = trendy[6];
document.images["taste"].src = trendy[imgNumber];
classic[0] = classic[1]; classic[1] = classic[2]; classic[2] = classic[3]; classic[3] = classic[4]; classic[4] = classic[5]; classic[5] = classic[6];
document.images["taste1"].src = classic[imgNumber];
text[0] = text[1]; text[1] = text[2]; text[2] = text[3]; text[3] = text[4]; text[4] = text[5]; text[5] = text[6];
document.getElementById["question"].innerHTML = text[textNumber];
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