ReSharper - 如何在代码清理中禁用垃圾文档标头的生成
我们将 ReSharper 6.0 与 StyleCop for ReSharper 结合使用。
尽管我们使用 StyleCop 规则,即成员必须具有文档标题,但我们不希望 ReSharper 的代码清理工具为我们生成文档标题,因为它们不可避免地是垃圾。糟糕的文档标题比没有更糟糕,因为它们更新的可能性比一开始就添加的可能性要小。
我们尝试在 ReSharper => 中关闭设置“将文本插入文档和文件头”选项=>工具=> StyleCop 但是当你重新启动 Visual Studio 时它会自行重置。
We're using ReSharper 6.0 with StyleCop for ReSharper.
Although we use the StyleCop rule that members must have documentation headers, we don't want ReSharper's code cleanup facility to generate documentation headers for us, because they're inevitably rubbish. Bad doc headers are worse than none at all because they're less likely to be updated than added in the first place.
We tried turning off the setting 'Insert text into documentation and file headers' in ReSharper => Options => Tools => StyleCop but it bloody resets itself when you restart visual studio.
Any ideas how we can stop Code Cleanup creating documentation headers for us?
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ReSharper ->选项->工具部分->代码清理->选择 StyleCop 个人资料 ->文档部分->取消勾选 1600。
将阻止创建默认文档标题,但 StyleCop 仍会强制要求它们应该存在。
ReSharper -> Options -> Tools section -> Code Cleanup -> select StyleCop profile -> Documentation section -> untick 1600.
Will prevent default documentation headers being created but StyleCop will still enforce that they should be there.