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Closed 8 years ago.
您可能正在寻找 OpenCV 工具包;它通常用于软件必须“识别”图像中的某些内容或特征的任务。
You're probably looking for the OpenCV toolkit; it is commonly used for tasks where software must "recognize" some contents or features from images.
还有完整的系统 Ocropus,它具有 Python 绑定或可能更好的Python 绑定到 tesseract
Also there is whole blown system Ocropus which has Python bindings or perhaps better Python bindings to tesseract
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您可能正在寻找 OpenCV 工具包;它通常用于软件必须“识别”图像中的某些内容或特征的任务。
You're probably looking for the OpenCV toolkit; it is commonly used for tasks where software must "recognize" some contents or features from images.
还有完整的系统 Ocropus,它具有 Python 绑定或可能更好的Python 绑定到 tesseract
Also there is whole blown system Ocropus which has Python bindings or perhaps better Python bindings to tesseract