HTML5 样板和 NetBeans
是否有关于如何将 HTML5 Boilerplate 与 NetBeans 结合使用的说明?
Are there any instructions available about how to use HTML5 Boilerplate with NetBeans?
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HTML5 样板只是 HTML5 网站的默认模板。如果我没猜错的话,您想将它与 Netbeans 一起使用。对我来说,答案似乎很简单:下载、解压缩并使用您最喜欢的编辑器(在您的例子中是带有 HTML 的 Netbeans)打开文件。样板大多是简单的纯文本;没什么特别的。他们甚至在他们的网页上告诉你:
HTML5 boilerplate is just a default template for HTML5 websites. If I get you right, you want to use it with Netbeans. The answer seems quite simple to me: Download, unzip and open up the files with your favourite editor (in your case, Netbeans w/ HTML). The boilerplate is mostly simple plain text; nothing fancy. They even tell you on their webpage:
So just: Download, Unzip, Open, Enjoy.