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Closed 13 years ago.
FTPS 上的维基百科页面作为概述很有用。我相信有一些商业库可用于在 C# 中实现 FTP/SSL 服务器,尽管我对它们并不熟悉。示例:
The wikipedia page on FTPS is useful as an overview. I believe there are a few commercial libraries available for implementing an FTP/SSL server in C#, although I'm not familiar with them. Examples:
I don't know of any open-source alternatives. You might try looking at open-source implementations in other languages. Examples:
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FTPS 上的维基百科页面作为概述很有用。我相信有一些商业库可用于在 C# 中实现 FTP/SSL 服务器,尽管我对它们并不熟悉。示例:
The wikipedia page on FTPS is useful as an overview. I believe there are a few commercial libraries available for implementing an FTP/SSL server in C#, although I'm not familiar with them. Examples:
I don't know of any open-source alternatives. You might try looking at open-source implementations in other languages. Examples: